
How much is the equivalent reward of 1 point score in F1?

by Guest64918  |  earlier

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is it a cash back bonus paid by F1A to a team? a certain amount per point? or what?

i dont have any idea regarding this...




  1. All teams who score one point in a season have all their logistical costs payed by the FIA, saving them up to $2 million. A financial reward for the driver, like there is in NASCAR or IndyCar does not exist in F1. Instead they (the drivers) pay money to the FIA for every point they earn. They always did this but prior to the current season the top drivers (who scored the most) payed around $1000 per season, but not it has drmaticly increased and if I remmber correctly, Kimi Raikkonen had to pay the FIA in excess of $250,000 for scoring the points he did last season (110 points), so if my maths is correct, they pay around $2000 per point they earn during the FIA Formula 1 World Championship, although it is important to bear in mind that these drivers (Kimi atleast) is payed in excess of $52 mill, and in nearly all the cases sponsers will reward the teams much more than $250,000. Displaying a companies name around 3 inches big on Fernando Alonso's overalls cost around $5 million per season. But if your answer ment how much the FIA pays them for scoring a point, other than covering logistical costs, the drivers have to pay the FIA.

  2. I think there used to be a financial incentive for the teams if they scored at least a point... I think the FIA used to pay for the team's travel costs for the next year... which meant so much to teams like Minardi and other minnows.. I think it still exists...

    So McLaren have to pay their own way this year... as they were excluded from last years constructors championship......

  3. Dan is petty much right.

    Also helps to attract sponsors, seeing a little team who seem to be improving would also perk up the interest of other drivers, who's front running career may be coming to an end. Their car set up knowledge can be vital for a little team, say what you like about Fisichella I bet he has helped Force India immensely on aero, strategy and set up problems.

  4. Each team that scores at least one point in the constructors championship will be reimbursed by the FIA for the cost of shipping their cars and equipment to all the races for that season.

    The other thing that can make every point important to each team is that where a team finishes in the constructors standings determines how much of the television revenue each team receives.

  5. one point allows the constructor to be reimbursed travel costs of equipment and crew.  it is also valuable, as sponsors have bonuses that start at the first point.  thus there is a huge financial difference between 0 and 1 points.  plus psychologically it feels good to have earned a point..

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