
How much is the least amount of money you have spent in a casino ?

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In one visit ?




  1. 0.25 cents... I just went in for the cheap buffet

  2. Good question. Depending on the person. Some would be $10. before they had enough. But some lose their shirts meaning all of it. So it might be buying a gift. But for others it would be gambling. It's fun till you lose. I Love Vegas.

  3. 0$ I was underage and couldn't gamble at that point.

  4. its an art actually , you will get better at it. some games have a high percentage pay rate like pai gow. this game pays so well that if you win you have to pay a commission. if you play safe you can play on a 5 dollar table for hours, get plenty drunk for free and walk away with near what you came in with or more.

    other methods include nickel slots,played slowly. problem with this is it means you are putting one coin in per pull and that reduces your winnings. I once hit triple 7's on a nickel slot and would have won $50,000 had I put in the full 5 nickels. the bell was ringing and coins were spewing out, it was a real racket . My friends came running and saw the triple sevens and we all started dancing. then my friend turned to me and asked how many did I put in? I said one, they both lost it laughing at me. I won 50 bucks in nickels

  5. For awhile, I was getting $5 in free slot play and buy one get one free buffet coupons in the mail from one of the local casinos. I would go in with my girlfriend, play the $5, cash out with $7-9, then go to dinner at the buffet, which cost $6.99 a person. Needless to say, they stopped sending the coupons to me, lol.

  6. 10 dollars. I won my money back plus another 10 and stopped.

  7. 0, I was sent a coupon worth $50 and walked out with $380!!!

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