
How much is the most you would pay for a stroller?

by Guest45105  |  earlier

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Someone told me I should get a zooper stroller but I looked them up and they cost 500.00 bucks! this is the zooper...

and this is the one I said I wanted...

They said because it was from toys r us that it would just fall apart.

how much is the most you would pay for a stroller?




  1. i have an awesome stroller carseat combo, it was 289$ at babies r us.. i wouldnt pay more than 300!

  2. 500!!  That's outrageous!  A Toys R Us stroller is not going to fall apart.  I bought my jogging stroller there and it's lasted through 2 children.  Personally, even if I had that kind of money, I wouldn't waste it on a $500 stroller.

  3. I paid $270ish for my graco travel system, $200 for my Maclaren umbrella stroller and $75 for my jogging stroller.

    I don't think I would pay more than $300 for a stroller.

    And your friends are wrong...buying @ Toys R us has no bearing on the quality

  4. At this point I wouldn't pay more than $15 if I had to replace an umbrella stroller, but my youngest is nearly 2 and we're about out of strollers...  The most I have paid for a stroller is upwards of $200 for a double jogging stroller.  My single jogger was in the $150 range and has lasted well through 2 kids.  The stroller you have picked out will be fine for most things, the only thing that sticks out to me is the smallish size of the tires.  If you're going to be using it for exercise (walking or jogging) or to go over grass you should get something will larger pneumatic tires (16" is a good size for rear tires).  For strolling the mall, that one will work fine.

  5. I think the one from Toys R Us looks just fine.  You can look up reviews that people gave on it.  I bought a Graco double stroller used and I have 3 kids and it is still going strong.  I only paid $10.  I used it a lot and since I am pregnant with my last I know I will use it much more.  I also bought a Graco stroller car seat combo for my daughter and I loved that because I could keep her in the car seat and just move it over to the stroller.  It was so nice.  Now she outgrew it.  I paid $80 for that and it did not fall apart.  Do what you think.  Everyone in the world will give yoiu their opinions and think that their way is the best way but really your way is the best way.  Just look up reviews to help guide you.

  6. $200.00  

  7. I would pay the $500 if you really like the stroller. Go on craigslist and ebay and check them out used, they sell for a lot! So you can buy it brand new, get your use out of it and as long as you take care of it, you can sell it and make at least half your money back. You get what you pay for.

  8. Im getting one for 200 dollars its a stroller and car seat in one. They wont fall apart because they are from toys r us. strollers go through INTENSE testing to make sure they are safe. they dont just fall apart.

  9. The most i would pay is 200 and thats how much i paid for mine and its a double stroller!

  10. i would not pay that much for a stroller unless it was a really good double stroller.  

    a regular stroller the most i would pay would be $300.  i would go for the toys r us one, seems like a great stroller.  

  11. i paid about 250.00 for my travel system.I look back on it and i should have found a cheaper one and one that is just as good. this is the one i got i love it(i haven't used it yet i just play around with it at my house)MY son isn't home yet from the NICU.

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