
How much is the penalty for cancelling your Directv?

by  |  earlier

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im getting Directv tomorrow and i might move out a year later. and my concern is the penalty price. If anybody have the Choice Xtra package (with HD) already, how much is the penalty price? or any info on penalty is fine.




  1. i think its 150.00 us dollars

  2. I believe the penalty price is somewhere around $200-300..

    if you move in a year you can take it with you.. all you have to do is call them and tell them you're moving and they'll come hook up a new dish and reciever at your new place generally free of charge....

  3. death by fines


  5. death

  6. It's zero!! They are awesome, I hated to cancel their service, but another provider gave me a bundle with dish network. But the HD on Dish does not compare to direct tv. But they did not charge nothing to me. But your situation might be different  to mine.  I was a costumer for over 5 yrs, so If you are new it could be different. Good luck buddy. COntact their Cust. Serv. they are great!!

  7. You own your DirecTV equipment so either way you will keep it.  The cancellation fee depends upon the type of euipment you have.  If you have HD or DVR equipment it oculd be more, but the standard cancellation fee is $150.00.  Actually, what you'll want to do is take the DirecTV equipment with you to your new address and have it installed through the Movers Program.  As long as you are within the USA, it can be installed at your new address and you will pay no penalty.  Might have to start a new contract though.  The beautiful thing is, if you cannot receive DirecTV at your new location (moving out of the country, line-of-sight issues, etc.), DirecTV will let you out of your commitment!  I know, I worked for DirecTV in their customar call center as a retention rep.  We handled cancelling accounts.

  8. $200

  9. i think it is 100 bucks. IT SUCKS ANYWAY lol. use dish network or sumthikn

  10. when you get the install, an installer will put up the dish and cabling that will be YOURS. The receivers, however, will most likely be leased (did you pay anything for them? If so, how much you paid determines if you own them) and you will be asked to return them (they provide pre-paid fedex airbills and boxes so you don't pay anything).

    Just to let you know, any time you put new equipment onto the account, like when you activate the account or have any sort of replacement, you will be activating a service commitment unless the new equipment is owned. It's been changed recently to 18 months for a standard receiver and 24 months for an advanced (dvr or hd) one, but only $20/month not completed.

    DirecTV will most likely hold you to your commitment, however there is the Mover's program where they can have an installer go out at your new place, install a new dish and cabling (you leave the old dish/cables at the old residence), hook up your existing equipment and you can continue your service at your new home. Depending on if you pay for the mover's program you may or may not have a commitment, but it's 1 year at most, so that'd be pretty close to what you'd be looking at for activating a HD receiver at the start of your account.

    Hope that helps =)

    edit: Xerandiam is working off of old policy. DirecTV has done a lot of revamping of things including their policy, so a lot has changed.

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