
How much is the phD in Social Work valued in U.S.?

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Dear everyone, I am currently pursuing the PhD in Social Work. A few days ago, A PhD (already graduated) from Nursing who happened to be teaching this class I am taking suggested that I never use the word PhD in Social Work and instead say PhD in Behavioral Science. (That’s not what Social Work is whatsoever) Apparently, the word Social Work has a very very negative connotation and would not get me places. Is this correct? I never realized that PhD in Social Work was seen with contempt from other disciplines. I previously used to be a political scientists (have an MA in it ) and I never heard of such a thing. I did not know that disciplines intellectually discriminate against each other deeming one more inferior than the other. Is this correct? Can you share with me please? PhD in Social Work is pretty rigorous in my opinion, certainly our program is The statistical techniques we are expected to use are just as/if not more complex then other fields, i.e. psychlgy, soc.policy




  1. PhD students in the good ol' USA work out at diners and pizza parlours to make a living. Go to Germany or UK or Sweden.

  2. Given that the comment came from someone from Nursing - does not surprise me. Nursing in the medical field is trying to hone in on social workers and trying to push the profession out of many hospitals.

    In the real world a PhD is a PhD - and it matters much more where your PhD is from.

    Also in really depends on what type of job you are competing for. If you want to teach in social work the PhD in social work is the best to have (you will also want to make sure you have the MSW and 2 years post MSW practice experience if you want to have the most flexibility).

    The other major determinant of your career with a PhD is what you do your dissertation on and the methods used. If you want to be a researcher - use advanced methods. If you want to work in child welfare - be sure your topic is in this area and is seen as adding value.

    Finally - the make up of your doctoral committee is a critical piece of building your post doctoral career.


  3. Do you want fries with that?

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