
How much is the price for a train ticket from Munich to Vienna and is it safe?

by  |  earlier

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I'm planning to go to Munich next year and take a train to Vienna. i know it takes about 4 hrs but i dont know how much it cost.




  1. Nice to see that a top contributor lost her sense of country, *lol*; the link is perfectly correct, but it's not .au for Australia, but .at for Austria.

    edit: Never mind, Lisa. I've visited so many websites where people mistook Austria for Australia, I can't even count them, and I`m Bavarian, so that's quite near to Austr(al)ia, isn't it? And who the heck invented them ccTLDs that get people confused? ;)

  2. Yes it is safe, but about the price I can't tell you. Look at the web

  3. The normal rate that is always availbale is 72 €. If you book in advance you can get a ticket with limited availability for 29 €. Both prices are one way.

  4. Yes, it is absolutely safe!  The trains are fast, clean, and comfortable.  There are many different price classes.  Go to (there is an English version), which is the Austrian train system, and you can search for options and even buy an e-ticket.  If that site is not working for you, you can try the German train system at  (Both Munich and Vienna have several train stations, so searching for trains on the net can be a bit rough.  Just remember that Munich is west of Vienna, so you probably need the east terminal from Munich and the west terminal in Vienna.)

    Edit:  Thanks, Alwin (especially on behalf of the asker)!  My face is red, but my arthritic hands get the blame for the typo.  I've been to so many Austrian web sites, I know better.

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