
How much is the salary of an early childhood educator?

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How much does a person who cares for your precious children get? If it really is a big deal, how come we, as EC educators still get paid peanuts? Just out of curiousity, anyone in NZ working as a nanny educator, how much do you get? I am really curious as I am studying towards my dip in ECE.




  1. I'm not from NZ, but I DO know that here in the US, we don't make beans.  I work in a private daycare facility, I have my associates and my CDA, as well as an english certificate, and I make 8 dollars an hour.  The only person I work with that makes more is a man who has been there for 10 years, he makes 9.75

  2. The main reasons EC teachers don't get paid that much is the over head of the centers and the shrinking of the middle class. Now a days both parents have to work just to make ends meat. Insurance is now per age group and not per facility. Most facilities have to carry a million plus now just for infants. In fact we had to close our infant room just for that reason. There is no money coming in from title 20 and parents can't afford to pay high rates for childcare. We do this not for the money we do this so we can make a difference in the life of a child. Best of luck in your studies.

  3. I hate to say this but here the salary of an early childhood educator is extremely low in comparison with other educations.  They receive a salary that a teacher assistant would receive.  Early childhood special education teachers;  however, receive regular teacher salaries starting out at a little of $30,000/year.  Of course the higher the degree the higher the salary.

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