
How much is the stealing's fine for 2 screen protectors (10 bucks each) ?

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My cousin stole 2 iphone screen protectors. he gonna go talk to the Judge on September , I wondering how much for the fine , this is his first time and he was nice to the security also. He is 18 now but he doesn't have job so far .




  1. Tell the loser to get a job so he can buy items instead of being a pathetic common thief.

  2. Do you understand what it means to steal something?

    If you are 18 this goes on your record if you are found guilty. Wake up, when you have a record you will have a heck of a time getting a job among other complications. You don't just pay a fine and go home.

  3. Way to go Einstein.

  4. There's no guarantee that your cousin will get a fine or what that amount might be if he does get one.  He will likely get probation if this is his first offense and have to pay court costs and restitution.  A fine may or may not be included.  The attorney should be able to give him some insight as to what to expect based on past experiences with the particular judge or jurisdiction.

  5. See if he can work something out with the store and the court so he doesn't get anything on his record. Some type of stet docket or doing some type of community service to avoid a permanent mark. I don't know what the fine is, but if he can pay something that may help the outcome, or maybe not. Can he speak to a public defender? Or consult with an attorney for free? Keep trying to help your brother.

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