
How much is the tuition for study in france?

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heloo. i am looking for the best sway to study in france. but my the biggest problem is being the financial problem.




  1. Unless you give more specifics, it's impossible to give an estimate. It all depends on where you are in school (high school,  university), what kind of program, the institution, duration of your stay, time of year, and so on. There are a lot of different kinds of study abroad programs- you can just take language classes or you can take courses in other subjects that might be transferable for credit in your school back home. Whether you're there for a couple weeks to a whole semester or year, that would also affect how much you'll need to pay. You can also study in a special program for study abroad students or you can directly enroll in an institution and study alongside French students. You should think about what kind of program you are looking for  so you can start looking at specific programs, cost and any sort of financial aid or payment plans offered. Other than that, it's impossible to give a number because there are so many different kinds of study abroad programs for different kinds of students.

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