
How much is this in American Money?

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I sell my photography on an international website. I made just made a sale and they give you a review of what the person bought how much the payed etc. Since it is international the person who bought it was from the UK. So

Just wonding can someone convert pounds to American Money?

heres what she bought

Retail Price: £2.22 (includes £0.33 tax)

Manufacturing fee: £1.35 (includes £0.00 tax)

You'll receive: £0.54

I already know how much money i recieve(1.16)

But how much did she pay in total(retail price,tax,manufactering fee)




  1. Retail would be about $4.38

    one pound is roughly 2 dollars

    use the website below to calculate

    Manufacturing fee: $2.67

    you'll receive: $1.07

  2. About $4.  

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