
How much is to much? please help?

by  |  earlier

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Im about 165pounds 6'3 male. Im sorta new to drinking, i'd like to get drunk with my friends more, but I worried. I gotta few questions;

How much shots of bacardi would kill me?

Should I be worried about liver damage and all those health problems if I drink 4-9shots of bacardi once a week, within 1-2hours?




  1. no that wont kill you, just dont do shots of everclear, that will kill you.

  2. I'd say yes it will - eventually. If you are drinking anything just to get drunk with your friends and you are only 20 years old, you have started down the world famous "slippery road" and pretty soon you won't be doing it only once a week. And then, one day you will wake up and you are 40 years old and you grab the bacardi bottle to start your day off right!  Been there and done that. Do your drinking as an added attraction to getting out socializing with friends not with the aim of getting drunk. Like the other guy said though, spread the 4-9 ounces out if you can over at least a five to preferably 9 hour period (one ounce per hour). If you are new to drinking, it will still have an effect on you and you might still have a hangover.  

  3. yeah 4-9 shots will get you very drunk very fast and eventually very sick within the time period suggested

    space them out a bit and you should be fine

  4. 4-9 your fine, dont worry have a good time, and if its once a week, your still ok, its when you do it every day is when you have to worry. But just keep a good pace and dont try and drink the bottle in an hour no matter how much they chant your name.  

  5. Why would you even slip into some c**p like drinking?Don´t you have anything better to do?You´re only 20 years old,get a girlfriend and enjoy life,have fun,life is so beautiful without drugs and alcohol!!!Before you know it,you will be so caught up with all this drinking,the problems will start,and you gonna start to f..k up.I lost everything ,because of my drug and alcohol problem.And when the **** really hit the fan,one of you´r last stops will be prison.Stop it while you still in control of it.Don´t let it control you.

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