
How much is too many vitamin's?

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right now I'm 43 years old male and I have started to take vitamin's I'm taking B complex mega,,C 1000 mg,,, FISH OIL 1000mg,, B6 100mg,, ST JOHN'S WORT,,GINSENG AND GINKGO BILOBA is this too much or not enoughf will one cancle out the other or is there other vitamin's i should be taking all this is new to me and any help would be great thanks




  1. Food, water, exercise, sleep and maintaining a work and social life are probably all more important. Exercise can be excellent for short term dealing with depression, in my opinion.

    Avoiding junk food should be a priority for most people interesed in nutrition.

    'Food' food contains fibre, vitamins, minerals and plenty of other useful substances.

    All supplements have to be considered with respect to intake (especially regular) of any drugs or medication, prescribed or otherwise.

    Already there may be vitamin A in the fish oil.

    ADEK are four vitamins not to overdose in terms of amount. They are fat soluble. More than 10 times the recommended daily allowance for a long time could cause health problems.

    Some minerals have to be balanced with others e.g. zinc supplements usually are needed with ten times less copper.

    Iron supplements could cause problems especially for men especially if they have something like haematchromatosis.

  2. if your physically  and mentally healthy, where comes the need to use these suppliments. Though the suppliments are good, excess usage and unnecesary usage defenitely gives you another trouble. One more thing, one should not use any type of medicine\suppliments without proper diagnosis or a prescription from the qualified doctor. Good diet, proper exercise are generally enough to the body, if one does not have any illness. I had also learnt that, GINSENG in excess will create prosptrate gland problem  in males. Please take medical advice before continuing much medicinal suppliments.  

  3. You should very careful, not to take any vitamins that have not been referred by your Doctor, after carefully evaluating you with lab. test for any deficiencies. I used to buy those multivitamins for man for my husband and since we are very healthy careful on how and what we eat (I cook everyday). and he was having problems and after the test results it was that his kidney and liver was been affected by to much unneeded vitamins.

    So always be cautious, what work for one person, don't necessarily mean it is good for you


  4. Sounds like a good regimen to me.  I would also recommend Zinc in conjunction with vitamin B6 for male stamina.  Also a good vitamin/mineral compound would be helpful for overall health.

    Good luck.

  5. Is there any reason for you to take all these supplements in the first place? If you're physically healthy and you eat correctly, you shouldn't need any supplements at all. I would suggest taking a look at what your diet consists of instead of wasting your money on supplements. If you're taking them and don't really need them then your body will just let the nutrients pass with urine and bowel movements. Literally, you'll just be flushing your money down the drain!! lol  Besides, if you're taking stuff just to take it and don't know the reason for taking it, you may also cause more harm then good. With holistic/natural medicine the general rule to follow is "less is more". You don't need to do alot to keep your body balanced and healthy, it's just a matter of maintaining it.

  6. No, that's not too much.  I'm 15 and i've been taking more than that for months.  You may not be getting the required daily amounts of vitamins and minerals depending on your eating habits.  go here   and get there daily vitamins.  everyone in my family uses them.   i recommend you see a dietitian too.  you only need two visits.  

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