
How much is too much running?

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How much is too much running? I am currently running 5-10 miles a day but want to increase it to 20. Any health concerns?




  1. If you run even just 60 miles a week (a lot for most people, but probably normal for you) your immune system is compromised, so yes, there are health concerns!  I understand the desire to run like crazy, but maybe one or two 20-milers a week is crazy enough.  I really wouldn't do more than that, and think that's too much as it is.  But, it depends on your goals!  Some people run 110-130 miles a week.  

    Also, maybe you should consider double-sessions, if you don't already, as a slightly gentler way to up your weekly milage.

  2. Uh, yeah, sounds like too much running to me.  Your body absolutely needs rest.   If you go from 10 miles a day to 20 you are going to have lots of problems with your feet, shin splints, and stress fractures.  The body is resilient, and with an "easing" into longer runs you can work up to 20 (ultra marathoners run upwards of 100 miles).  You really shouldn't be doing 20 every day.

  3. i run long distance in track and its all stamina and endurance. run 10 miles in the morning and depending on how i feel 10 to 15 in the evening its just how in shape you are. i would suggest slowly moving up a mile or 2 or you might put to much stress on your body.

  4. U will know when because ur body will tell u when enough is enough if u in shape and running more would feel fine for you then thats ok be sure your still using calories for energy and not muscle because when your body runs out of fat to burn it moves to muscle and if u getting too hot and tiered from 5-10 miles then dont run any more.

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