
How much is too much study?

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My son is always studying from the time he wakes up and from the time school is over .it’s his 2 semester in college and he spends most of his life indoors studying. During vacation he does nothing he just gets desperate and opens his ebay store and starts selling products. I’m concern that my son is not getting enough social life. My husband is encouraging him to get a girl friend but I don’t fully agree with that.

How can tell my son to seek the real world and get friends; without sounding so weird .?




  1. How good are his grades?  If he's taking so much time studying and they're not very good, then perhaps he should get a tutor.  If they're okay, then maybe you could take him aside and tell him that he doesn't need to try so hard, and that you'd rather him spend more time with his friends (regardless of whether he has any or not--it's more tactful) than devote his life to schoolwork.

    If all that fails, or you don't any of those suggestions, you can always take advantage of his studying crazes and suggest that he join a study group at his college.  If he lives away from home, particularly on campus, then it shouldn't be too hard, even if he has to look for people from his classes congregating in the library from time to time.  It would allow him to make friends while not taking time away from his studying.  Those who study together, stay together.  Especially if they help each other pass their classes!

    Best of luck!

    PS- Friends last longer than girlfriends.  If you want him to form lasting relationships, ignore your husband's advice and find him some people he can actually depend on.

  2. Any study is too much study

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