
How much is too much to pay for preschool?

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ok its part time

2 day $50

3 day $70

a week




  1. If you love the preschool and can afford it then maybe it is worth the higher price.

    My sons preschool is a very good one. I love it. It's 3 hours per day. No lunch or snacks or anything included

    2 days per wk = $95/month

    3 days per wk = $140/month

    5 days per wk= $210/month

    It also depends on your area. I live in a fairly small town in NC. also-I don't know what age this class was and I know you want them to learn a lot but make sure they aren't  pushing the kids too hard. If they are forced to learn they will not have that excitement for learning. (just a thought)

    also wanted to add that you can teach your child everything they need to know. you don't HAVE to have preschool. My son is ahead of all the kids. actually he already knows everything they list as the end of year goals! I taught him all that. We are using preschool for social interaction.

    take care! = )

  2. I paid about $600 a month for my child to be in a private Catholic school preschool full time.  I felt it was worth it.

  3. How many hours a day is this program? Do they serve lunch? I'd say just from what your saying it's o.k. Don't only focus on price,however I know this is a factor but shouldn't be your only factor. Is this a good school for your child. Who are the teachers? Are they degreed? What's the student ratio to teachers? From what you are saying this is 25$ a day. Sounds like a reasonable price, but at least find out all the details. Also, what do the kids do all day? I'd rather pay a little more per month somewhere else if they don't meet all my requirements.But otherwise like I said price sounds o.k. I have done a lot of calling around for my kids.

    Sounds great! You should do it! I was just asking sorry if you took it wrong.I pay $25 a day for 3 hours also. Sounds good! Take care.

  4. that is

  5. In Wales (UK) We pay £5.75 per hour (approx $10.50) for a morning pre-school for children age 2 - 3. We are very lucky here, children start full time school from 3 years old.            9-3.30pm no charge.

  6. I am a preschool teacher. All of the centers I have worked at charged between $3.00-$4.50 per hour. It was not charged by the hour, but that is what it came to if you did the math.

    For example:

    4 hour program, 3 days a week

    $4.00 / hour X 4 hours / day X 3 days X 4 weeks =

    $192 / month

    Does this help at all?

  7. im paying $125 per week and my daughter is learning alot of stuff so its hard to say whats to much...i thought that $125 a week was a lot but i believe thats its the going rate.

  8. I paid $450 a month for two or so years.   I think thats too much.  $250 -$300 i think is reasonable.

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