
How much is typical CRT brightness in footlamberts?

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I'm looking at the pioneer kuro, and it is stated on the web that it has a 40 footlamberts brightness. I was wondering how much is that. I currently own a CRT tv and it is a good deal bright. I was wondering how the pioneer compares to a CRT. How much is the brightness of a CRT in footlamberts?




  1. The PEAK luminance (brightness) of a CRT display varies depending on several factors including the size of the display (all things being equal, a larger direct-view CRT display will output less light than a smaller CRT display,) the phosphors, peak beam current, etc. The PEAK luminance typically ranges in performance from a low of 20 foot-Lamberts (70 candelas per square meter) to an extraordinary high of 200 fL (700 cd/m2), approximately. (Note: one foot-Lambert equals 3.4262 candelas per square meter; one candela per square meter equals one nit.)

    Again depending on various factors, including viewing conditions and measurement methods, the AVERAGE luminance of a CRT display using optimum settings—specifically the optimum Brightness (black level,) Contrast, aka Picture (peak white level,) Color (chroma saturation,) and white-point (correlated color temperature) settings—typically ranges in performance from a low of approximately 10 fL (35 cd/m2) to a high of roughly 40 fL (140 cd/m2) give or take. Generally the darker the viewing environment the easier it will be to maintain a display luminance that is within the proper operating range, which in turn helps to minimize eye fatigue while preserving maximum detail and resolution.

    A phosphor-based display whose luminance is overdriven will easily result in “blooming” as well as an oversized electron beam spot in the case of CRT displays. Not only will this reduce the resolvable image resolution of the display it will also result in the premature aging of the phosphors. This is one reason why it is so important to greatly minimize or eliminate ambient light in the viewing environment in order to ensure the proper Brightness (black level) and Contrast (peak white level) settings.

    ############ RESOURCES ############

    SMPTE Recommended Practice RP 166-1995, Critical Viewing Conditions for Evaluation of Color Television Pictures (Archived 2004)

    Charles Poynton “Brightness” and “Contrast” Controls

    Joe Kane Productions Resources

    How to calibrate an HDTV?

    CNET’s quick guide to TV calibration

    Video: How to Calibrate Your TV

    Display Calibration - AVS Forum


    Chris Eberle’s Precision Video Blog


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