
How much is verizon high speed internet?

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I don't want dsl, i want the high speed. How much is it with and without fios.




  1. They have DSL and broadband. You can go here to see all the prices and everything!

  2. DSL is broadband is high speed.  FiOS is also broadband is also high speed.

    I don;t know what they're getting for FiOS these days, but 768kbps should run you about $20/month, with 3mbps about $10.month more.  FiOS runs up to about 25mbps, but most of the internet is still at 1mbps or less.  (Which is why people with FiOS still get some 40kbps downloads.)

  3. As far as I can tell, the only thing they offer that is 'High Speed' is indeed the DSL, which I'm sure you've researched and found it cost $19.99. If there is some other offer from them where, like Netzero, it's dial-up with image compression, but I cannot see, nor find, such an offer anywhere. If your looking to Verizon, DSL is your only option.

  4. The High speed is using Fios. Can't get it any other way. But since you don't want it, there's no sense in telling you to contact Verizon in your area.


  5. I hate to burst your bubble, but If you don't get it by DSL, your only choice is FIOS, and only if it is available in your area. DSL is highspeed internet. There s no internet connection called highspeed. Highspeed is just a term used to say that the internet is faster than 56kbps dial-up. Highspeed is delivered by Satellite, Wireless, Cable, DSL, Direct connect (T1, IDSN, T-3, etc.), Direct Fiber (FIOS), and powerline.

    As far as price, I believe it varies somewhat by region, so you would have to go to their website, and find out.

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