
How much is vet bills?

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This lady down the street wants me to take her little shih tzu and she said that yearly check up cost about $50 for shots. Is this true? We live Oklahoma if that makes a difference.




  1. My dog had health problems this past winter and we took him to the vet. His head was cocked to one side and he was partially paralyzed. The vet asked how much we wanted to spend to find the problem. I told him about $200 was all I could afford. I walked out with a prescription and a $180 bill. Believe it or not, the dog is still kicking at 14yrs old and fully functional. And his head holds straight and true.  Speaks for the tenacity of the Beagle.  

  2. if no health problems, figure at least $300 a year.

  3. I recomend you go to local humane society you can get lower vacine price. But usually at the regular vet office yearly check up is about 50 dollars. Hope you decide to take the dog  cause i see you care since you all ready askin questions. YOu dont want the little dog to end up in the shelter. good LUCK  

  4. Yes, that is about right.  You can always call local shelters and ask them about special vaccination clinics they will be holding; it can be a little cheaper.  Just give up drinking soda or cigarettes or candy (whatever your "vice" is) and use that money for doggy.  You will get so much love in return!

  5. Different vets charge different rates.  the only true way to know is to call the vet and ask what they charge for a yearly check up and shots.

    IIn Illinois and Wisconsin, the average shots, heartworm check, and routine check up are closer to $200.

  6. You can call your vet and ask what they charge for annual exams, vaccinations and a years worth of heartworm preventative. Add to that cost the amount you will spend on food and toys and add about 300.00 to be set aside annually for emergency care (just to be safe)

  7. That doesn't sound right to me.  That is way too low.  Call around the vets in your area and ask what they charge, and what that includes.  

  8. Well for my pug just visiting the vet costs about 82 bucks. And we just got surgery for our one pug and that wounded up costing a whooping $4,500

    Yeah, vets aint cheap  

  9. Price really is not based on your State - it's by vet.  I use to go to a vet and he charged over $100 for an annual examine, including the shots.  Then I switched vets (found one I like a lot better!) and she only charges $54 for an annual with shots.  

    Call the vet and ask.  If you want to find a different vet, ask other people that you know have pets where they take them.  Word of mouth is a useful tool.  Just make sure you pick one that you like and are comfortable.  
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