
How much is your electric bill in the summer. Mine is 300 dollars,ouch!?

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I live in a hot and very humid stat so must have air




  1. Our electric/gas bill this last month was $88 - a real victory at our house considering it was twice that during the same period last year.  We set the thermostats one degree warmer and have been downright militant this summer about turning off lights, unplugging 'wall warts', and shutting down computers, etc.

  2. It's been between $46 and $56.  I live in a valley and it's hot, also I have allergies so I need to keep the AC on, can't open the windows or I'll have an allergy attack.  Even with the AC the average is around $50.

  3. The power company sent me a check for $85 last month.

    My wind turbine rocks!

  4. So far it's been about $30 per month, but it's been really hot in July, so it will probably go up this month.  I've taken a lot of steps to make my home energy efficient though.

  5. 300 as well...its ridiculous!

    NJ really rocks....

  6. Plug everything  that has a light or draws electricity while you aren't using it into a power strip with a shut off button. Before bed or before leaving push all the buttons to cut off all power to it. I saw a reduction in my bill since doing this.

    For instance, my coffee pot has a clock on it and  my TV has a tiny light on it. Why have them on for 8 hours if I am not using them?

  7. Why?     With the longer days you should be turning lights on later, and with the weather being nice out you should be watching less tv.

    Open some windows instead of turning on the A/C.'

    I'm paying $25/month, up a few bucks from winter b/c power prices are up.

    It hasn't been warm at all where I am - I don't have to use the fan, I just keep the windows open - and not even all of them.

    I'm starting to think maybe the weather affects people's views on global warming the way voting in a school affects how they vote on tax override bills.    California is pretty much the only place in the US that's been hot this year - the rest of the country had a cool wet Spring and is having a mild summer.

  8. Ok, I do not understand how these people are having 30 - 50 dollar electric bills.  I didn't even have that when I lived in a one bedroom apartment!!  Ok, I now live in a 1900 sq. ft. home in Houston, Texas and my bill for last month was $299.00.  I am anticipating it to be more this coming month.  My neighbor, who has a tiny 900 sq. ft. home, told me the other day her bill was 257.00.  I keep mine on about 77 and they keep theirs on 68.  Pathetic.  Anyway, I feel your pain!!

  9. $70 / month for all utilities on average during the summer.

  10. Mine was $22 last month of which only $7 was for the electricity. It will probably go up a dollar or so this month because I added a thermostatically controlled set of fans to boost my roof exhaust turbines during low wind periods. Really has made a nice difference in how cool the house stays day and night. It has been between 90 and 100 several times a week for the last month or more here in Long Beach, California.

  11. Well ours last month was over $400 because our company decided to double the cost of the kwh which doubled our bill.  So we had to switch our company and the one we have now  uses wind turbines and things like that.

    The first person said Cali is pretty much the only place that has been hot... well that's not true, we have 95-97 degree weather where I live, but last year it was worse.

  12. Ya ,  I  live  in  a   100 +  degree    climate  too .

    Open  windows  &  a  fan  do  NOT  cut  it .

    People  still   Die  without  AC  at  these   temps .

    But   the  builder  ( not  me ,  can't  take  credit  on  this  one )

    Put   the  large  windows  north  &  east ,  max  insulation  and

    Put  in   all  double  pane  windows .

    So  mines  only  like  $150  .  .   .   (  still  an  owieee )


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