For my studies, my parents gave me £1000 as survival money. I work the rest myself.
When my kid goes to uni, I want to do that as well. I want to provide the same amount of buying power as it was provided to me. But in the future, £1000 might be worth next to nothing.
Since I don't believe in economics (too many assumptions). I want to use comodity to gauge how much I should provide my kid.
EG: £1000 today can buy
1. 900 litres of petrol
2. 1000 litres of bottled water
3. 10 mid market mobile phones
4. 40 microwave ovens.
This way i know that if i want to provide the future's equivalent of £1000 to my kid, i just need to provide enough money to buy 40microwave ovens.
I can't use subjective stuff likes clothes nor rely on one item as the market might change drastically. What other commodities do you guys suggest?