
How much it costs to adopt a healthy baby boy in america.?

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How much it costs to adopt a healthy baby boy in america.?




  1. it depends on the agency you go through.  County agencies do it pretty much for free but other agencies can be into the thousands. I think the lowest one i found was $10,000 for an uncomplicated adoption of a healthy child but really i didn't trust that agency and the things they said.

  2. Domestic agency or private adoptions can range from $5,000- $40,000+ (according to, but fees seem to often be around $20,000- $25,000 total.

    The fees for international adoption are around the same. Adopting from foster care is often free or very low in fees, however if you wanted to adopt an infant or young child you would need to foster first, and could adopt the child only if the parental rights are eventually terminated.

    Here is a good link for adoption costs

  3. It Depends how you go bye doing it! You can go thur the Child walfare With the State.. And It is Under One hundred dollars..

  4. Going by your Avatar, I would assume that you are black?  In that case, costs are often much less because there are so many black babies that don't get adopted.  You'd still have to pay legal fees and for a home study, however, so I'd guess it would still be around $10,000.

    My cousin is currently investigating adopting a hispanic toddler (she is half hispanic herself) and found out that many of the fees are waived for this reason.  The only ones that are in short supply are white babies.

  5. A friend of mine did a domestic private adoption & it was $40,000 all told.  She's working on her second adoption (same birth mother) and this one is $10,000.  I would think that the "average" domestic adoption of an infant would be somewhere between $10,000 & $20,0000.

    Consider adopting from foster care.  Your chances of adopting an infant aren't great, but those kiddos need loving, stable families.

  6. Well here is a general breakdown for a domestic adoption:

    1.  $350 application fee

    2.  $1550 Homestudy fee.  This amount is also split up for background checks fees, adoptive parent counseling and training (classes are required)

    3.  $750 post placement fees (have to pay the Social Worker and his/her Agency for the time and travel and paperwork).  Each state differs with the number of post placement visits, my state requires 2.

    4.  $6400.00  Attorney fees.  Here is a breakdown of attorney fees for you

                       $250  for 1st meeting

                       $1500 retainer

                       $1250 costs for her and her work with agency

        Approx  $400 legal fees (court filing and other document fees)

                        $3000 after consents to adopt are signed

    5.  If you are using an Agency the cost is between $7000 and $15000, it is called "Program fee".  This covers about 12 months of services from the Agency.  This cost is to help pay for birth mom advertising, salaries of workers, taking and screening the calls, meeting the birth moms, counseling the birth moms, driving them to appts., helping them get medical insurance (if needed), etc., etc., etc.,

    6.  Now here is another cost that is very flexible as well.....birth mom living expenses.  Often times you will find a BM that needs rent, maternity clothes, salary paid for missed work, medical bills, utility bills, etc.....This cost is monitored by the court system in my State (IL).  The court has to approve the costs and they usually have a ceiling (meaning a BM cannot receive more than a court ordered amount).  BTW this is the area in which the BM can scam for cash.  This money is not refundable should the BM change her mind in the end.  Don’t get me wrong though, should a BM change her mind then so be it....that IS the risk that adoptive families are taking by doing a domestic adoption. Doing a International adoption that risk does not are guaranteed a child...but the cost is higher.  

    This is really a generic list here.  Adoption costs vary by state and what the needs are of a BM and in some cases the cost vary greatly depending on how a BM and adoptive family find each other.  The more the Agency is involved the more it costs.  Also these costs are assuming that you adopt within a year’s time.  If a BM finds you after 1 year there are "updating costs".  Agency fees are good for 12 months; a Home study is good for 12 months (updating this document could cost about $600).  There are also interstate compact agreements needed when a child is being adopted from a different stae of the adoptive family.  This procedure costs money too.  NOt to mention travel costs.

    Total costs can range from 10000-35000 (sometimes as high as 50000)

    And the other way to adopt is through the Foster care system.  This is vitually peanuts compared to adopting an infant.  However, you need to be very careful and ask all the questions regarding the childs background.  Often times these children are in need of mental health services for behavoirs that can be very just be careful and get all the childs records and history.  Good luck.

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