
How much itching is too much for a guinea pig?

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Just wondering how much a healthy guinea pig should itch whether its not at all or a little-to moderate. I currently own 2 female guinea pigs, and I've noticed one itches a litte bit when out for floortime but otherwise I dont really notice her itching at all, and occasionally one (or both) will itch in their cage. Just wondering how much is too much. Thanks in advance!! :]




  1. go take a hike with ugly dumb self


  2. not horribly but if they start losing there fur take it to the vet

  3. Well I have 3 guinea pigs and they don't itch that much, but sometimes animals itch when they are nervous or stressed, which is probably why yours are when they're out of the cage. I would ask your vet just to double check.

  4. i have a guinea pig and he started itching so i took him to the vet and he had staph

  5. if itching to the point that fur is coming off, and there is blood take to the vet immediately need antibiotics.

  6. well i have had 4 guinea pigs in my life, but my current guinea pig scratches occasionaly as in a few time a day, but if you are getting worried they do have this stuff at the pet store that you spary the guinea pig with then wash it off hope that helps :)

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