
How much jail time are we looking at ?

by  |  earlier

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I have a co-worker who was charged with armed robbery (I believe a gun) and grand theft larceny. This is a first offense and she has a clean record other than what just happened.


Non white (Hispanic)

Women age early 30's

First offense

Are we going to see her back anytime soon ?




  1. IF SHE TAKES A DEAL FOR 5-10 YEARS (and thats a good deal) SHE'LL BE OUT IN 4

    41/2 IF SHES GOOD

  2. armed robbery? i doubt it

  3. Depends on the judge. It was armed robbery, also, so it's more serious than just robbery.

  4. She should definately get prison. Why you would want her back working at your company is beyond me.

  5. armed robbery can get you 10 to 20 even on 1st offense. The very minimum is 5 years so it will not be less than 5 but after that she may have a chance for parole. so i would say 5 to 10 if lucky  

  6. California Penal Code for Robbery Punishment:

    213.  (a) Robbery is punishable as follows:

       (1) Robbery of the first degree  is punishable as follows:

       (A) If the defendant, voluntarily acting in concert with two or

    more other persons, commits the robbery within an inhabited dwelling

    house, a vessel as defined in Section 21 of the Harbors and

    Navigation Code, which is inhabited and designed for habitation, an

    inhabited floating home as defined in subdivision (d) of Section

    18075.55 of the Health and Safety Code, a trailer coach as defined in

    the Vehicle Code, which is inhabited, or the inhabited portion of

    any other building, by imprisonment in the state prison for three,

    six, or nine years.


       (B) In all cases other than that specified in subparagraph (A), by

    imprisonment in the state prison for three, four, or six years.

       (2) Robbery of the second degree is punishable by imprisonment in

    the state prison for two, three, or five years.

       (b) Notwithstanding Section 664, attempted robbery in violation of

    paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) is punishable by imprisonment in

    the state prison.

    Here it is for the Grand Theft:

    489.  Grand theft is punishable as follows:

       (a) When the grand theft involves the theft of a firearm, by

    imprisonment in the state prison for 16 months, 2, or 3 years.

       (b) In all other cases, by imprisonment in a county jail not

    exceeding one year or in the state prison.

    I believe there is an additional 2 year enhancement for using a handgun during the robbery.

  7. Don't worry about buying her a Christmas present this year, cause she ain't gonna be at the office party.

  8. Are we going to see her back anytime soon ?

    I hope not.

  9. Not much of a chance that she'll be at the annual office Christmas party.... this year or a few others.

  10. 15 to 20 years in jail

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