
How much jail time do you think someone would get for...?

by  |  earlier

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Here is the situation. I have tenants that are renting a house that I just bought as an income property. (They were already there) I want to give them the boot, they do not seem too bright, but they are giving me this jail sob story. I looked them up on our local court website and the wife is facing 1) assault w/ a dangerous weapon 2) Larceny 3)Open intoxicant in her vehicle and 4) Driving on a suspended license. Mind you she absconded from probation from another county (She had an uttering and publishing) She goes to court for sentencing next week, how much time do you think she will get? They have an 8 year old daughter, so I feel bad, the husband seems to have a clean record. I am afraid the lady probably had a drug or alcohol problem, or why else would she steal? Also, can you tell me what uttering and publishing means? Thank you.




  1. uttering and publishing is cashing checks that are NOT hers thats always hard when there is a kid in volved she will probly lose her child or at least custody. nothing much you can really do watch your back.......YIKES!

  2. Wow!  I definately would not rent to them.  It sounds like it would be problems for sure.  Because you just bought the home, I am pretty sure you have to give them 30 day notice, even if they signed a lease, it wasn't with you.  With a criminal record like that, hopefully she goes to jail for awhile but I don't know.  I looked up uttering and publishing and the previous answers look correct.  Good luck

  3. Uttering and publishing is usually ascribed to forging a document. Falsifying a check from someone elses account is an example.

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