
How much jail time for dui 3rd offence in tennesse? plus many more charges?

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my sister has problems with drinking, in may 08 she got arrested for dui 2nd offence, Revoked license, implied consent, she has not went to court yet, this is in tennessee then last tuesday night she was in ky and got arrested for dui they said its 1st offence, revoked license, weed possession, running a stop sign, then that very saturday night she got arrested for dui 3rd offence, revolked license, got out of jail, sunday morning sunday night she got caught running a redlight, was not arrested but got it for running red light an revocked license, how much time in jail do you think she will get! she has mental problems also! thanks!




  1. WOW!  What a record she has built up!  The jail/prison time should be manageable ... she can count herself very lucky if she gets less than 3 years ... on the high side, well let's just hope she doesn't have any plans for the next ten years or so.

    She will be tried (and probably convicted) as a habitual offender.  Fines ... just the DWI fines would break my bank, she can expect $5,000 or more.  Probable revoked driving privileges for life.  After she gets out of prison, she can expect probation, with alcohol and drug testing.

    Pretty obvious she has mental problems ... but that does not give her a get out of jail free card!  She needs to lawyer up and start trying to make deals NOW.

  2. I do not think people need to resort to name calling. Lunatic? are you the same type of people to call black people the N-word or just pick on those who won't beat your ***!  so rude- ok, so anyway... I think a mental institution would be a better sentence if she uses an insanity defense. She is clearly in trouble and I mean not just legal but mental and spiritual. She is self medicating and unable to make rational decisions. I hope she is given adequate care, so far she is only hurting herself but could go bad if she hurts someone and will be have even more mental problems. Get in touch with a mental health advocate, or NAMI. She needs help not to be treated like some monster, she is not a monster she just needs medical help and jail is not a suitable alternative. They might give her 30 days or more if you do not get a good defense attorney, have you called legal aid?

  3. Mandatory minimum of 10 years.   The drugs will get her an extra 5-10 yrs.  Add it up and she can bet on 15-20 yrs and if she straightens out she could be paroled after serving 85% of her sentence.

    Tennessee State Patrol.   19 yrs on the force.

    Good luck.

  4. Hopefully a long time (15 years or more). Crazy lunatice, she could kill someone.

    If she cannot control herself then put her in a hospital.

  5. she'd be better off in jail.  it'll get her sober and off the road, so she doesn't KILL someone.

  6. 20-life

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