
How much juice should my 18month old be getting?Is 7 or 8 x 230ml a day to much?

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How much juice should my 18month old be getting?Is 7 or 8 x 230ml a day to much?




  1. I let my son drink as much as he wants, provided he eats well and drinks plenty of water and milk.

  2. for me personally, yes way to much.

    Too much juice can interfere with eating habits and result in weight loss  as they can get to full up on juice to eat.

    Try to cut it down and give water more often then juice, or water on its own as the main drink.

  3. watever juice you should be giving him/her  should be WAY watered down, 3/4 water 1/4 juice. otherwise they may have diarhea or other digestive problems and besides, it has a LOT of sugar in it, and is bad for them. only give 8-12 ounces a day. and water it down!

  4. Kill Lewis Hamilton, please!

  5. I can't imagine he would be eating anything or drinking anything else with that much juice . try juice 1-2 times a day at meal time not just in an endless sippy cup. 120-180 cc is enough for the kid.

  6. You can make fruit/herbal tea instead.  They don't have to drink juice.

    If you want to give them juice, water it way down.  At most 25% juice to 75% water.

    What's also really good is whole fresh fruit.  You can buy one of those safe feeders so they don't choke.  I loved it and so did my kids.  Here's the link to the feeder on amazon and also a link to a free amazon gift card.  

    Hope this helps.

  7. That is way too much for anyone, even an adult!

    Juice is empty calories, it contains a lot of sugar and therefore should be really limited. When giving to a small child it is always a good idea to water it down to half at least.

  8. they should only be getting about 8 ounces a day, and it should be slightly watered down, and all natural, juice has too much sugar.

  9. it is far too much topdad

    it should be:

    minimum of 360ml of milk and lots of water as little juice as possible

  10. if the juice is very very dilute why restrict ur child to what he/she can drink?drinkin is not a bad thing for ur child he/she is obviously thirsty if he/she is takin it i dont understand these mothers that restrict their childs fluid intake...good luck x

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