1. We are going to hear the most vitriolic hate filled spew from liberals about Palin.....get ready Conservatives...you know it's coming. They are going to denigrate her, humliate her, talk down to her, and make fun of her. From Steven Colbert to the New York Times, to CNN, to Hollywood, to the internet, liberals and their great message of *tolerance* will be out in full force to smear this women into the ground.
2. The media is going to grill her in all the ways they never did to Obama. Women....please take note of this. All of the questions that should've been directed at Obama will go straight to her. The media is suddenly going to be the 'watchdogs' of the public again after giving Obama the most shameful, obvious, sycophantic softball coverage of any Presidential candidate in history.
3. Liberals themselves are going to be falling all over themselves using buzz words such as 'heartbeat away from the Presidency' and 'is she ready to lead?'....when none of this was ever a concern for their beloved cult of personality.
Anybody have any other examples of hypocrisy that we'll be seeing very shortly?