
How much leftist Hypocrisy will be laid bare in the coming 2 months?

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1. We are going to hear the most vitriolic hate filled spew from liberals about Palin.....get ready know it's coming. They are going to denigrate her, humliate her, talk down to her, and make fun of her. From Steven Colbert to the New York Times, to CNN, to Hollywood, to the internet, liberals and their great message of *tolerance* will be out in full force to smear this women into the ground.

2. The media is going to grill her in all the ways they never did to Obama. Women....please take note of this. All of the questions that should've been directed at Obama will go straight to her. The media is suddenly going to be the 'watchdogs' of the public again after giving Obama the most shameful, obvious, sycophantic softball coverage of any Presidential candidate in history.

3. Liberals themselves are going to be falling all over themselves using buzz words such as 'heartbeat away from the Presidency' and 'is she ready to lead?'....when none of this was ever a concern for their beloved cult of personality.

Anybody have any other examples of hypocrisy that we'll be seeing very shortly?




  1. Hypocrisy is the Republicans' basic method of operating.  Experience is important but it isn't.  Elitism only applies to people who can remember how many homes they own. Political correctness is horrible unless you are talking about age. Considerations of morality only apply to Democrats. Etc.  

  2. Well, if Dems. bash Palin for any lack of experience, it will only come back and hit them in the face. I mean, think about it, Obama has been on the job 143 days ferchrissakes!

    ..and any other insult outside of her professional experience will make the Dems. look sexist if they do that.

    Libs. are screwed either way.

  3. No matter how much flack you get from the Libs, it will never top what you people have done to Obama.

    So yes, I would say get ready for it.  You deserve it.

    Your hate filled spew.

    1.  Obama is a Muslim, hates America, the Messiah, the Antichrist

         Moses, Rock Star, Communist, n**i, etc.

    2.  If she can't take the heat from the media, she sure won't be able to

        take the heat as vice president.

    3:  "Is he ready to lead"  I believe comes from your side.  Just ad an s in front of your term.

    No one ever in the history of elections has had to endure the type of

    scrutiny that Obama has.  If your choice gets it right back, I guess you and she will have to deal with it.

  4. bring it on.................McCain / palin 08.

  5. It will be shameful and women will need to support her as a woman even if they don't agree with her.  I can see this has the possibility of being the most vicious campaign we've ever seen.

  6. NOW how much courage does "America" have to see a woman in office?

    Seems the feminist rules change when the woman is a Republican.  They apparently think of Republicans with ovaries as "women in name only," or "wolves in women's clothing."

  7. I love hearing them complain about how our VP candidate doesn't have enough 'experience'!

    50-state landslide, here we come!!!!

  8. It's about the economy.

    What has Palin OR McCain have to help that - except more of the same?

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