
How much life experience did you have by 18?

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How much life experience did you have by 18?




  1. Lost my virginity @ 14

    Broke: My ankle,4 ribs,right wrist,2 or 3 fingers and toes,a left collarbone and probably a dozen or so black eyes and fat lips by the age of 18

    Stabbed (minor) during a punk rock/racist skinhead brawl in NYC @ 18

    Took a random train ride to Montreal @ 17 with a girlfriend and stayed for a week

    Played Punk Rock/Hardcore venues all up and down the East Coast @ 17-18

    Won Pa state soccer championship @ 15

    Arrested @ 15 for skateboarding in a shopping mall

    Lost 3 friends that drowned in the Delaware River by 18

    Pitched 2 no hitters @ 14 and had an article in the Philly paper.

    I read all of the Lord of the Rings books.

    I read the Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy...twice!


    Life is what you make it!

    Turn the computer/TV and Cell phone OFF,

    and start living !

    The best is yet to come !

    ; )

  2. Had my own place(it was a studio). Working 10pm-6am in a dinner. Had no car I caught the bus or taxi. Now I'm 26 and have 3 bedroom,husband,4yr.old girl,and two cars.And now i'm a pre-k teacher! So I would say I had alot of life experience when I was 18 if I didn't I would have been dumb like most and open my legs before I get to taste life and depending on some man to take care of me thats probably gonna cheat on you cause you have no life experience.

  3. ALOT. i've ran away, been beaten by boyfriends, been heart broken, have two children, had three different jobs, am married, have rent and bills to pay for!!! oh and i am 18

  4. Too much for my own good. Had worked non stop for three years, moved into my own home. Then made the mistake of getting married, became pregnant, miscarried. Lost grandparents.

  5. I often speak about the age experience of life.  I am currently 20 and at this moment feel as if I have 40 years of life experience.  I often give advice and speak to older people than me and am usually the advice-giver and comforter among my friends

  6. By the time I was 18, I'd lived in several states, had 4 different families, and had gone to a different school every single year. By the time I was 18 I was a radioman in the US Navy.

  7. Very little..

  8. Eighteen is a dangerous time.

    It's when you think you know it all.

    While barely knowing anything.

    The rise from childhood is so dazzling,

    it's hard to believe you're at  the bottom of adulthood.

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