
How much longer? (SSDI related)?

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The reason I ask this question - regarding the waiting period to get a hearing with an administrative law judge for Social Security Disability Insurance - is because I have been given contradictory answers. Some say a year, some say 18 months, or even more than two years.

I've been waiting for about a year since filing an appeal to see a judge, and I have a congressional note of interest on my case. This month marks the one year mark, and my attorney said possibly another twelve months while I was told by his secretary I could expect one any day now. I was told by another representative (independent of the law firm) another six months.

As I noted I do have a congressional note of interest on my file. Will that speed things up?





  1. You have hired an attorney who presumably has experience in these matters who thinks it could be up to another year. That is the answer I would be paying attention to.

    I can tell that you would like to have your case resolved but getting answers here is not going to change anything. Any answer you get here suggesting they know when your case will be heard is going to be uninformed speculation.

    Listen to your attorney, not his secretary and for sure not random strangers on Yahoo Answers!

  2. My little sis is an SSDI attorney.  The wait depends on the state, and how booked up they are.  Most of her clients, signed on with the law firm for representation, 2 1/2 to 3 years, before the hearing actually occurred.

    That congressional note of interest will NOT speed things up.  This is a government process, and you just have to wait a long time.

    Which, I might point out, is exactly how government run health care would be, also.  

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