
How much longer before the UK average family hits insolvency?

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I speak to many people who say they cannot afford to heat their homes feed themselves and travel to and from work anymore. Seems like the stuff really has hit the fan




  1. i am sorry to say. very soon.  i have worked all mi life now i face the fact if we stay here in the  new EUski state  the Uk'ski we will be forced to declare our insolvency. due to impending Euski business rules and tax. we were advised we could nae longer afford the tax and meet the new regulations for small business. we have sold up our business and sold off all our equipement. we sent all our employees home with 2 weeks severance pay and our sincere gratitude and apologies for not being able to stay in business.. many others will wait and see then try to sell when it is to late.

    the fact of it is had we kept our business open till 2008 we would have been completely bankrupted by the new regs forced to sell and have lost even our home.

    thank you Mr Gordonski Brownakov for destroying the economy and the nation by dragging us into the EU'ski against our will and vote. you have killed the UK and democracy in one go.  may you never have a moments peace so long as you live. may your plans continue to fail and your policies be exposed for what they and you are. A FAKE

    so to answer your question again . i think it will be very soon until  there are many more people insolvent than liquid

  2. I'm way ahead of you.

  3. Not long now for a great many people.

  4. already there, lots following I suspect.

  5. But, Boris, as people have less money in their pockets, there is no cash to fleece them of. Maybe some energy suppliers will reflect this with some price cuts.

  6. yep...probably by August....all those on 125% mortgages are already in negative equity whether they admit it or not...

  7. before the average family is insolvent? Before 50% of families are insolvent? Probably a really long time.

  8. Not very long!

  9. Not long for us.  We can barely afford to keep warm, eat and keep a roof over our heads and we don't even have credit cards etc to pay off.  God knows how people who do have those sorts of things as well as their day to day necessities manage.

  10. Don't worry too much our politicians can still manage fine!!

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