
How much longer do you believe "Capitalism" will survive.?

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What economic system if any will replace it.




  1. capitalism is not an economic system in the way you used the term.

    capitalism is a recognition of the role of capital in the conversion of scarce economic resources into finished goods and services.

    by capitalism I think you really mean "free market economics" or "free trade economics"?

    if so, I suggest that very powerful people want free trade and open markets, and they want government partnership (public private partnerships) with business.  The partnership of business and government used to be called fascism by the brown shirt wearing rebels that invented the modern movement.  

    I think free markets (specifically, free trade) are being used to bring about a global fascism; a partnership between government and oligarchs in business.  (rather than a socialism where government actually owns the means of production, instead of simply controlling it)

  2. Kanzeig... Your belief that free trade will bring about global facism is unsupported by any sort of proof. It tarnishes the idea of free trade in an attempt to support your own political views. The idea of free trade is simply that if two people want to make a trade they should be allowed to provided the trade will not negatively affect anyone else.

  3. I think you are referring 'Capitalism' in ideological sense. Capitalism and Socialism or its powerful variant, 'Communism' (Marxian theses adapted as a state policy - Dictatorship of the proletariat) were at loggerheads for over a century. Capitalism as 'thesis' with its excesses on labour and Communism as an anti-thesis to end the labour exploitation have mellowed each other so much that the distinction is wafer thin. The resulting synthesis (Globalisation?) is not readily discernible as it is shapeless. As on today the nominal 'Capitalism' in the form of global money-bags is the victor, since the erst while powerful communist states are pursuing international money-bags relentlessly. They are doing it more assiduously than the Capitalist regimes putting their totalitarian state structure that was an adjunct of Communism, to good use.

    Its an invitation to re-read Karl Marx (Das  Capital) and Karl Popper (Enemies of free society).

    So where is the quesion of survival of 'Capitalism'? If ever, it is its transformation to 'Globalisation' which was the dream of Imperialists and 'Privatisation' that the communist (in name) regimes are practising.

  4. "All systems are capitalist.  The only difference is who owns the capital" -Ronald Reagan

    Capitalism will survive.  Freedom is a strong part of the human spirit.

  5. For one thing capitalism is a economic system.  It is not just a term.  Other systems include a comunistic economic system or a socialistic economic system.  Now these systems seem great on paper but many countries that have had these systems found that people have to drive.  Their is no incentive to do go at your job so people just slack off.  They are not lazy they simply get paid the same as everybody else and they cant get fired.  Their is no reason to work to better yourself in that situation.  

    Capitalists are hard working with a drive to make more money.  This is why we have inovation and new products.  People make more money in this system thus they are hapier.  Thus I believe capitalism will survive for a very long time.  Untill people stop wanting to make money capitalistic sytems will keep thriving.

  6. As long as there are people willing to work (labor).  And of course, people (management) smart enough to motivate this willingness or least smart enough to not bite the hand that feeds them......if u get my drift.

  7. couple hundred years, cannot make any reasonable guesses about the system. Maybe some kind of AI-based socialism.

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