
How much longer do you see local radio stations lasting?

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before it is totally replaced by some other media or hangs itself by being greedy?




  1. once a year a new radio station is born (in Spanish)

    we are taking over the waves.......


  2. Radio may loose it's money making domanance it has had for the past few decades but I won't see it ever going away permanently. We could say the same thing about TV as webcasting is expected to make the local channels obsolete in a few years (read your bio a little)

    Will it be totally replaced or hang itself? Clear Channel is already hanging itself and that's why radio is doing so poorly as content that people tuned in for was shoved away for higher profits. The profits would have contined unless Napster, Steve Jobs and the internet hadn't changed the landscape permanently. Now radio is on the backburner of some people's minds.... There are blogs about the death of radio... I don't see it dying as it will have to revamp itself and find new ways of selling itself again.

    Think of it this way, why is it that some people who enjoy music break their ears listening and webcasting back woods radio stations for? because it provides the content people want. Radio is still popular in many areas and not just to gen xers and above like some have said in their blogs.... Yes Gen Y is more into discovery and all, but guess what, they still listen to radio as they get burnt on not knowing what is out there, and steve jobs tries to promote more than just the future top hits that these kids are looking for.... I mean who would have expected am radio to grow in numbers of listeners of gen Yers born in the mid 1990s cause they are wanting to hear radio Disney?

    Also here are somethings to ponder:

    the poor who can't afford the internet or mp3 player still rely on radio as their only means of info.

    office workers will have to (as sat radio can't be played in a office unless it has a view of the sky with most offices blocking streaming of music and mp3 players only lasting so long before batteries die or fatigue of songs hits)

    and where do we go during bad radio for info, espcially when the power goes out?

    You got will be around, but it will be leaner, meaner, catering to a larger variety of people.

    radio will have to evolve. And aim for the listener of the future

  3. Until way after you're a retired granma, Blue!

    Interesting how both previous answers refer only to in-car listening. There really is quite a bit of at-home and in-office listening. And there will continue to be for years to come. There's too much money tied up in licenses, facilities, towers and such. You may see some changes in how these big groups operate (finally), but that will be a good thing. Radio's strength has always been it's localism - and will continue to be. More than 90% of the US population listens to radio at least once a week.

    -a guy named duh

  4. as long as the auto makers put FM radios in cars, there'll be radio stations. Cheap, CHEAP way to advertise. While I agree with your implied statment that Payola, unimaginative content, and spineless D.J.s who  won't play anything not on their hit list, are damaging to radio, as long as FM broadcasts for free, while XM, CD's, and MP3's cost money, you're going to have some kind of broadcasting going on.

  5. they're not going anywhere because sadly there are way to many people who prefer to be told what to think and what to listen to. it takes less effort. the "mindless masses" will keep them in business.

  6. I don't see it going any time soon. To many people spends so much time behind the wheels of their cars. That's what keeps it going. My husband travels, so it really his contact with the world rather than T.V.

  7. We were not to have local service after the year '80 but do, so it will last as long as papers did. Not all modern things are good but few of the younger people will admit it.

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