
How much longer do you think it will take for..?

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my 4 month puppy to be housebroken?..

she rarely has accidents (one a day if you dont let her out after she whines for a minute)

so she knows how to whine when she's gotta "go"..

how much longer do you think it will take for her to have ZILCH accidents?

thanks =)

shes a great dane/saint bernard




  1. Consistency is the best thing...if she is whining to go out, let her out immediately.  Take her first thing in the morning, before you do ANYTHING else.  

    My vet told me that much before 3 to 3/12 months, a puppy really does not have the physical capability for much as far as housebreaking is concerned (what he basically said was "the rear end does not really understand what the head wants it to do).

    Have you tried crate training(I never did, but I think it is a good much for the chewing issues as the potty issues).

    I think that larger dogs seem to train a bit more easily than the small dogs(thank goodness, because a Saint puppy can pee a river and really p**p a large pile).  I had the hardest time with my youngest Saint.  But, in her defense, there was a time when I thought she had a set back, but really she had a urinary tract infection which was causing her to have accidents in the house.  Also, when she had stomach upset, she has had other accidents in the house.  My other Saint has a bladder and bowel of steel and will not have an accident in the house under any circumstance!  

    Little girl dogs often squat close to the ground, which can cause bacteria to travel up the urethra, so if things persists, you might make sure that there is nothing physically going on with her.

  2. When it comes to house breaking, it all depends on the dog. To make things easier on you, you could try teaching her to go to the door when she needs to pee/p**p.

  3. Every dog is different...My dog took almost a whole year...

  4. When your dog comes inside from going potty praise her and give her a treat. When she potties in the house you can put her in a pet carrier or a crate for a bit. That may help her to learn that going outside is what she is supposed to do. I hope that this helps and keep trying.

  5. If she is rarely having accidents at 4 months old then you are doing a great job of training her.  Just keep doing what you are doing and I would think it won't take much longer.  

    Congratulations on a job well done.

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