
How much longer do you think the US will have the strongest economy in the world?

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How much longer do you think the US will have the strongest economy in the world?




  1. The US doesnt have the strongest economy in the world right now. Unless I am wrong, that honor would go to Ireland.

  2. We already lost that title, we just don't know it yet.

  3. Estimate is 10-15 years, maybe even earlier. China's economy is rapidly growing at 9(1/2)% every year.  

  4. We've pratically gone from being the biggest creditor in the world to the biggest debtor in the world.

  5. What makes you think we still have the strongest economy in the world?  I believe there's others that are stronger.  Look at the value of a dollar vs. other currencies.

  6. Hello, wake up. Since criminal Bush took over back in 2000 US have the weakest economy in the world.

  7. Many thanks to Bush, the U.S. no longer has the strongest economy in the world. Look at the great deficits Bush created. The reason it costs other countries less to visit the U.S. is because the currency of all of those other countries is stronger than the U.S. currency.

  8. We don't.

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