
How much longer do you think the human race will last?

by  |  earlier

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can anyone ballpark it? lol




  1. I believe there will be some form of humans on this planet for some time to come. Everyone thinks the world is coming to an end, well this old world has been inhabited by humans for a long, long time, even if we have to learn to exist underground or even make major changes in our habits, which i know is coming. the human race will survive, they have survived volcanoes, the ice age and many such planet changes.  Humans are a hardy species .

  2. As long as the Earth is around.

  3. How long has the homosapien been on earth, some 10-12 thousand years? And expodentially how fast has the population on earth risen ? So the point in time when mans' numbers exceed the ability for the earth to sustain them or some unnatural diaster from outer space hits earth, that is when man will cease to exist.

  4. Unless we destroy ourselves, which is very unlikely, we should last until we change into something, or many things on many different planets, that you wouldn't define as human.  If you define us as our offspring, I would say billions of years.

  5. A very long time. Maybe a billion years. But humanity will have an ending. Some catastrophe or something

  6. I would guess many thousands of years more, at least. Even if we have screwed up the Earth beyond repair, human beings will still be one of the best equipped species on the planet to handle the changes. Sure, millions of people might die off, civilization might collapse, we may regress in agrarian or even  hunter-gatherer societies, but the species will survive.

  7. People are too biased to answer this. Everyone wants the human race to survive.

    A ballpark answer is being inhuman

    A sincere, researched answer comes from a person who is callous, and the answer is biased.

    So, I think they'll both be way off

  8. 5-7 centuries

  9. Im going with about 1-3 centuries IF we don't change what were doing now with out enviorment and climate change. out fossil fuels running out, water, etc.

    But it'll last WAY longer if we change out ways soon.

  10. Depending where the world goes in the next 20yrs. If we do not change the way we affect the environment, what wars take place, how the world market shapes out, how fast we can advance science and health to combat disease, and there are uncontrolled factors like natural disasters and such.

    Mankind is destined to fall but when will we fall is the real question.

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