
How much longer untill the U.S.A as we've known it ceases to exist?

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With current political, social and moral decay, I give us about 25 years if not less. What say you?




  1. The current political, social and moral decay was first commented on by a greek guy about 2500 years ago.  Either we're already in h**l or we will not get there in your childrens' lifetimes.

  2. you give us more credit than I thought, I perdict less than 4 years.

  3. If Obama is elected, by the end of his term.

  4. with those two Mr and Mrs Obama creatures in the White House?..2 years max

  5. if an Obama and Wife type gets elected about 3 1/2 years

  6. Well, since the answers can only be an opinion I say 102 years, 6 months, 2 weeks, 5 days, 4 hours and 37 minutes.

  7. The country is ever changing.  It's not as it was 100 years ago or 10 years ago.  Not every aspect changes at the same rate.  I wouldn't agree with your characterization anyway.

  8. If things continue as they are, civil war is possible in the next decade.

  9. In our lifetime. Socialism will destroy our wealth, and you will see more chaos as a result. It's an historical pattern.

  10. Since Bush seems to coddle up to the rankest Communists like North Korea and China we should start learning to act  the party line and  to speak Chinese pretty soon.

  11. Next president will decide.

  12. That is the beauty of this country - we can grow, evolve and progress and still remain great and united. If we remain too rigid we will implode. Times change, founding fathers like Thomas Jefferson realized this and wrote about that.

    People thought we were in "moral decay and the USA we know would cease to exist" many times in our history - and we have survived and been the better for it.

  13. with Mr and Mrs Obama in office?...6 months maybe

  14. You watch the News a lot, don't you?

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