
How much longer will NASCAR let Toyota bend the rules and cheat?

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This is why this sport is going downhill letting are American automotive industry take a back seat to try and get Toyota on the map of NASCAR and trust me kyle busch is not that good of driver he had the best equipment in the past and did not do didley plus he looks like Howdy Doody




  1. OK , nice rant there Turbo. Kyle is a HECK of a driver, and I am not a fan, trust me. But the guy is on a roll, and JGR has some of the best stuff out there. He always has. If you knew NASCAR you'd know that.

  2. When Kyle is the driver    People may call the cheating

  3. Nascar gave Toyota a longer engine block to help their development program into Sprint Cup, fast forward to Gibbs bringing massive amounts of R&D with him when he switched to the Toyota brand, taking full advantage of this longer block and therefore head size to increase horsepower.This is something that I believe that is beyond NASCARs control, but I do believe that G.M. will bring a butchers bill in the form of jacking of the cost of keeping 1st Tony Stewart  and if that fails, going through the line of contending drivers as contracts come up. G.M. has the teams and the resources and corporate will to beat take back what was theirs. If this was F-1 Toyota would be paying huge fines just to prevent what is about to start.

    I believe both of the Busch brothers are great drivers everyone forgets the one that has the ring and the trophy and NOT just a loud mouth.

  4. can you name one time nascar has let toyota "bend the rules"

    i think we have a hater!!!

  5. Sounds like you still have a bad taste of Hater-ade in your mouth.

  6. Where have you been? Toyota has been on the map for years now ever since the American poeple finally realized that Toyota makes a far superior atuomoblie.

    Do you know anyhthing about Nascar either? They do not let anyone cheat for any reason. If anything most people wanted them to fail. So why would they let them cheat. JGR hepled toyota get on the map in the Sprint cup series with the best drivers and the most resources around. Just look at the truck series, Tundra has won 41 races since they have started. Times have changed whether you admit it or not Toyota and Honda make better vehicles than the big three now.

    As for Kyle who cares what he looks like. He is that good of a driver Trust me .

  7. you say to "trust you" (and your opinion) but you give me no reason to even read anymore of your questions, except for sheer entertainment value.  toyotas (at least those sold in america) are produced in america, not far from where i live in southern california.  they provide jobs and implement more features suited to the american market than their counterparts from other countries.

    that being said, who cares?  personally, i believe if honda, or ferrari, or anybody else wants to try to build stock cars (ok, with the COT, engines for stock cars) and race, let'em.

    how long will they let toyota bend the rules and cheat?  well, usually it's not the manufacturer's who are caught, fined, docked points, and suspended - it's the teams themselves.  was it chevy's fault that chad knaus and steve latarte tried messing with the cot last year and got the penalties they did?  was it ford's fault when edwards was fined earlier this year?  and to be fair across the board, did toyota make "someone" on waltrip's team add jet fuel to his car before daytona last year?

    get your facts straight.  and please, let me know in advance who you are picking to win each week.  if you think kyle has no talent and you're using criteria (look it up!!!) such as whether or not a driver looks like howdy  doody to help you choose, i'm pretty sure i can make some serious money. ;-)

  8. Wow.  I am NOT a Toyota fan nor am I a Kyle Busch fan.  However, Kyle has excelled in all types of equipment.  He did well at HMS and the only difference between his years at HMS and now is that he stopped wrecking himself and the field as much.  The guy has talent.  

    With this new COT package, if a team (any team regardless of manufacturer) is cheating, NASCAR will discover it.  They are keeping them in a teeny tiny box.

  9. He had the best equipment in the past and didn't do didley, huh?

    did you ever stop to think that the reason he's doing so well this year is because the kid's on a mission?

    he's h**l bent to prove something to someone (that someone shall remain nameless)

    and wow, the Howdy Doody thing, that's original..

    Ooohh.. It's Rowdy Doody Time??

    okay, no Rowdy's World stays, sorry, I couldn't help myself!

  10. What planet are you on? I assume that you are talking about Toyota's power. NOBODY'S CHEATING!! The engines are thoroughly inspected constantly. Toyota has found something that nobody else has. That's the great thing about the sport. On paper, all the cars should be identical. But you've got a bunch of mechanical engineers who are geniuses. Toyota's been on the NASCAR map for years in the truck series and had the same advantage initially. I don't particularly like Toyota being in the sport, but they meet the criteria as an American manufactured car. Over 75% are made in America. They have raised the bar for engine technology and when the others catch up, the fans win because it will improve the racing. If you check the facts(Do you understand that word?) you will see that NASCAR is still growing. The growth has slowed, but that's to be expected. I'm a hard core Jr. fan but I'll tell you this. Kyle Busch is as talented a driver as I have seen in my 30+ years as a racing fan. I'd be willing to bet that your attitude is a result of your favorite driver being beat by a Toyota. Get over it and get real! The great one is in great denial.

  11. as long as toyato keeps paying the bribes they will be allowed to cheat. d**n them!

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