
How much longer will earth be here??

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come on global warming


birth rate is up and down

like the death rate.

i think we have around a couple 100 years left..


now whats your opinion???




  1. in the bible it tells us that earth is eternal and the only thing that really gets destroyed by God is evil and unrighteousness, but i think that Jesus is returning in our lifetime really soon to judge the righteous and wickedness on earth but you don't have to worry about the earth ever being destroyed. The bible is 100% true because all the signs and prophecies that have been fulfilled so far.

  2. about 4.5 billion years, unless the milky way crashes with andromeda first.

    you mean, How much longer will humans be here??

    probably another million years or so. some people reckon only about 100 000.

  3. Till the end of time.

  4. The earth will be here regardless of everything you just stated.

    Sorry, but this is all hysteria.

    It's B.S.

    In the 1970's, they were saying we had 20 years left, because of overpopulation and GLOBAL COOLING!

    I'm not making this up.

    Oh, and we were going to run out of oil by the mid 1980's too.

    When you get older, you're going to be embarassed that you fell for all this stuff.

    By then they will be back on global cooling, or a whole bunch of other c**p they will make up to keep us all swallowing the socialist idea that government is the only answer, to save us from ourselves.

  5. The earth will be here until the sun dies. As to what the conditions of the planet are will depend on many natural forces that are constantly at work.

  6. Andy is right.  As a geologist, I know (as much as anything can be known in science) that it will surely be here for billions more years.  You should learn to grow a little more skeptical of the chicken littles that have always predicted gloom and doom.  The Babylonians, thousands of years ago, thought they were running out of resources and the world was ending.  The only reason those predictions are perpetuated are ignorance and the seeming necessity for current generations to think they are the special generation where the world will end.  It won't, not in 200 years or 200 million.

  7. Those in the know say about 7.5 billion years.

  8. A few billion years until the Sun dies, expands and consumes the Earth. Nothing man does can destroy the world it is far to big,complicated and Mother Nature will always prevail.

  9. The earth will be here for millions of more years.

    But we, on the other hand, wont be here to the end.

  10. Even if for some reason everything on the planet were to die off. The earth would still be there. The only way it wouldn't is for something major to happen like an explosion from the Earth's core.

  11. Long enough for the experts to find the root cause of experts.

    Fact is they have always flurished and will continue to do so ad in finitum; as will this little world of ours till it eventually cools down within its core... millions of years from now.

    As for mankind ask the experts for they will be there till the end.

  12. A while yet i think maybe a few million years, I really don't believe in all this global warming scenarios, its just a natural process the Earth goes through.

  13. Humans will exist on this earth as long as the sun behaves itself, or we evolve ourselves out of existence.

    As for the earth - 4-8 billion years.

    Humans on earth: not sure, but I am certain it is more than a couple of 100 years.

  14. Earth will be around until God wants here. It is his choice, he made and he destroyed it before and now its again alive. He can detroy it today or even tomorrow.

  15. There is no way to predict that whatsoever.  It is absolutely impossible for anyone to predict that, just like they can't predict the weather or any other anomaly that occurs every single day.  We are at the mercy of the Sun, Earth and the cosmos.  A meteor the size of Europe could hit us at any time, even with nuclear weapons, I think that breaking it up is still beyond our capability.  

    Many of the estimates are based on observing other distant solar systems in comparison to ours, combined with a lot of hypothesis and theory.  There is absolutely no way to predict the answer to your question, but your confidence in science doing so is an indicator of quite a number of people's perceptions about science.  It is like they are the new prophets touting the future now.  That is just so not the case at all and they are so far away from understanding the past in many aspects, so predicting the future.... just a little bit out of range for now.

  16. I think we have more likely a few billion left.

  17. loo years will kill most of wild life

    200/300 we kill our selves with religion/technology--wars

    Not to say that there wont be some people left.

  18. The earth should still be around until the Sun dies out.  Does that mean that us humans will still be here?  I doubt that.  But scientists think that the earth should be around for another 4 to 5 billion years.

  19. till 2012

  20. honestly it could end tomarrow aha and if it did o well **** happens.

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