
How much longer will money be around? I mean its not really a good thing corps.and banks make billions?

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Yet people really are slaves to an idea based on production and maximising profits. I understand many have the luxery of pursing the carrer of their choice such as Forestry or construction work but where does the rest fall in? fed minimum wage is 6.00 or somthing most people have combined incomes that allow them to scrape by and pay rent or mortage then repeat the process on a monthly basis. I feel something more sinister is at hand we have these class systems based on income and under the current rule of Goerge Bush we only have 2 Rich and Poor its a fuedal system! Its almost as if society is creating crime theft vandalism gangs and substance abuse by economic will. these are just a few examples. You really are a product of you own environment Its not territorial or a racial thing its economic! Black people in england are not affiliated by the crips or bloods. Banks corporations all seek profit evil profit, They seek wealth with no production the sacrafice quality and slap a label.




  1. money will be around forever.

  2. I am in complete agreement that money is not worth c**p. The labor we put in for it really is not worth it. If you ask me, we should be a society based more on trade. Of course, money is a form of trade, but h**l... I am talking more along the lines of skills. A farmer will trade 10 heads of lettuce for somebody to change the oil on his car. Okay, so maybe that is not a realistic value, but I feel that people should be able to name their own price for their skills. We are all skilled in many different things. I feel it would help society to interact more and grow as a whole. Others might think that it is chaotic and may even make the argument that we are years beyond the time of trade. They may even say that it failed in the past. Personally, I think not. Societies were more willing to work as a whole to evolve than the societies we are stuck in today where any individual can make a million dollars over night if he possesses the right skills to do so. What about me or you? You might be a fine artist or an architect because you found interest in evolving your skills in such areas. I may be doctor or historian because I took interest in those things. I would happily trade you my medical assistance if you helped me build a house. That is how society should be. Money is worthless. It is the source of all that is wrong in our society. We should be trying to build together instead of trying to out perform one another. You think the top athelete in all of sports gives a d**n about you? Do you think he/she even realizes just how lucky he/she is? No. All they ever had to do was play a game and now, poof, they are on top of the world living in a big house guarded from all of society with an electric fence, meanwhile the hard working Joe, like you or me is stuck making 10, 15, 20 dollars an hour working our butts off to make the world go round. Meanwhile, the rich sport's star is laughing in our face. Come on. I thought all men were created equal? I could work my butt from the day I was born up until now and I still could not beat Michael Jordan in a game of one on one. Yeah... He worked hard. He practiced hard. You and I both know that hard work and practice are not the only thing that got him where he is today though. Part of that was nothing more than God given talent. We all have talents. We should either all make the same money for the things we do, or we should rely on the trade of skills. I would prefer the trade of skill myself.

  3. Only when there is a one world govt, will money cease to be, then it will all be electronic credits, for goods and services.

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