
How much longer will we be using gasoline for cars?

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How much longer will we be using gasoline for cars?




  1. Hundreds of years.

  2. Very simple.Until a cheaper alternative is available.

  3. understand that until we have a viable alternative fuel, and the infrastructure to support its use, gasoline will be around for the foreseeable future(that being about 150 years). the days of cheap gasoline are gone, but not the use of gasoline.

  4. unitl we can no longer breath this poluted air. thanks to Bush for doing nothing to help

  5. as long as people can get it....on a charge card....we could ration it right now by making it law you had to pay cash for gas!  That would seperate the Men from the boys

  6. I hope it will be soon.

    I really want to save the Earth.

    Doesn't everyone?

  7. Not until such things as Ethanol become economically cheaper to produce and buy.  $$$$$$...that's what it boils down to.

    The price of gas has consumers squealing like pigs now, so the 'big ethanol rush' of '08 is in full in while you can, like the boom of the 90's.

    As for saving the Earth? "Nothing" can save it. It will eventually be used up like everything else Man touches. Deal with it.

  8. It will take decades to switch from petroleum based products,even if we could come up with an alternative fuel source . It will not happen anytime soon.

  9. Forever.  The demise of gas is at least 50 years old and we still have nothing that will replace it.

  10. I can only say that it won't be that long anymore. THere have been working cars that rely completely on alternative fuel sources like:



    methane (the stuff found in cow poo)


    solar energy(amazing)

    hybrids (using both fuel and electricity)

    and ethyl

  11. Untill either the world runs out of oil

    or untill gas becomes 8$ a gallon

  12. we don`t know but if the gasoline hav been replaced by other type of liquid like alcohol possible we will be no longer using the gasoline.

  13. as far as I know there is an alternative fuel to power automobiles it is called fuel cell and it is ten  times powerful than gasoline but only a few people used it ,,because of such lack of knowledge about this thing people used gasoline instead of these fuel cell and  also the lack of goverment support...

  14. I would say at least another 20 years.  It will last that long, however,  only because the price per gallon will multiply dramatically.  We will be competing with China and India for a dwindling supply, and the dollar works against Americans right now.  Americans will voluntarily start cutting down their driving and conserving fuel when the price goes above $15 or $20 a gallon, adding inflation.

    Corn for ethanol is a dangerous myth--it is actually increasing the cost of our food supply and damaging our environment.

  15. Until the oil barons and their pals that really run the world can make the same ridiculous amounts of money from free energy that they do from oil.  Until that happens, then free energy technology will continue to be supressed.

  16. Until it runs out, which doesn't really seem to be too long.  If you look at the charts compiled by many leading geophysicists (which are viewable at, oil production will peak in the next few years if it hasn't already.  Then, who knows what will happen.  Maybe we'll be able to start using electric cars and nuclear power, or maybe we'll go headfirst into an economic downturn that will make the Great Depression look like a minor inconvenience.  Only time will tell.

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