
How much longer would you all say i have until i go into labor?

by  |  earlier

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Just had my OB apt today and I am 2 1/2 -3cm dilated, 80% effaced and the baby is sitting at a -1 (real low as the doctor told me). She also stripped my membranes. Just curious to see how long you guys think i have until i go into labor. Thnx!




  1. Not long, but all babies seem to have a mind of their own about making an entrance. If you want to speed up the process walk, walk, walk.  Just don't get too far from the house, just in case. I bet you're in the hospital by tomorrow! Good luck

  2. When the dr told me i was 3 cm dilated & had mild contractions, she told me i was going into labor soon.

    I went into labor 2 days later

  3. sounds like u r in labor... its just ur water hasn't broken. it should be no More than 2 days

  4. Wait and see... could be hours, could be days.

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