
How much maintenance do you think a father should pay for his child weekly?

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or in some cases mother, before i get ate....




  1. I brought up my 3 children ages 3, 5 and 7 when my wife left us and I got NOTHING

  2. as much as the mother

  3. I would say he/she should pay half the expenses that the other parent pays.  For example if the mom spent 60.00 a week on a child, then 30.00 of that should come from the dad.  (half of what is spent, NOT half of what he earns).  Children need love and attention from both parents more than they need material things.

  4. IF you are talking about money, then i have to tell you that the best thing a farther can give his children is his time

  5. Well the CSA seems to say 20% of earnings. I say what they can feasibly afford, though I prefer for him to spend time with the kids than money on them. Not that he does anyway. Fekker.

  6. enough to be proud of himself and say he's a good father to his friends and relatives

  7. that depends on how much he earns.

  8. seriously, do I have to keep a leash on you SM??


    Mrs. SM is not going to be happy!!!

    LOL Steph you're just rolling in it.. btw, £1.42 equals like $5000.

    Yeah, our money is worth less than the peso nowadays!!!


  9. Depends on the age of the child, and the time of year. Obviously the beginning of a school year will be more expensive. Or if the child has to go to daycare.  

  10. There is no right answer to that question.

      The idea behind maintenance is to allow the child to live at a standard comparable to how they would live if the father was there.Obviously this amount is directly related to how much the father earns.

  11. i have two cats and they are expensive I would say $500.00 dollars a week.

  12. Its so expensive these days for kids to do sports go to school pre school is like 150 a month.That doesn't include food,clothing,housing

    But,I also dont think it should be the fathers entire paycheck he has to make effort for the kids I know a guy who worked for 10 bucks an hour his child support was 850 a month.I mean by the time taxes are taken out theres nothing left for housing , food ,gas car,etc.

    Another thing that needs done is to spend time w the child.

    Fathers /mothers pay at times and never pick them up.The child needs both parents.

    Depends on dads job and yes every dad needs to be working dont quit because you have to pay child support.

    100 week if possible ..

  13. He should pay 50% of the child's expenses.  This will vary from child to child.  

    It makes me crazy that so many custodial parents use their child as a meal ticket, insisting that the child's expenses are paid 100% with no regard for the non-custodial parent's financial well-being.

    Do the math.  If 25% of my earnings go to child support:

    For every $1000 I gross, $250 of that goes tax-free to the custodial parent.  $400 of it goes to taxes.  That leaves only $350 for me.

    Since child support is tax-free money for the custodial parent, *they're* netting more of my paycheck than *I* am at 25% of my earnings!

  14. suppose it depends on how much he earns,

    god, you look good enough to eat :)

  15. First of all if he hasn't really been there for u i'd call him dad. (Because anyone can be a dad but it takes some one special to be a father).

    But i think that a father should pay $700 a week. Part for you know the basic food, water, etc. Another part for insurance, another for school, and after that 700 another 100 just because he isn't there.


  16. That would depend on what he earns and what kind of lifestyle the child has grown accustomed to.  What do you need to maintain your lifestyle?  If you are working, just add on what is needed.  If you are not working, you should figure out what you need to raise the child in a good neighborhood and be able to provide food and clothing.    

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