
How much make up do you think a 13 year old should wear?

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my little cousin wanted to know how much make up she could wear because, she is only 13 and her school is almost starting. thanks! xoxo krystal




  1. At that age i would wear eyeliner on my waterline, and lip balm.

    :] Sometimes mascara.

    Since she's only 13 her skin is probably flawless, so she doesn't need foundations or anything.

    Tell her too keep it simple, and nothing over the top unless she wants too be considered trashy.

  2. when i was 13 i think i wore just eyeliner, mascara and maybe lite foundation.

  3. I'm 15 and don't wear much make up I don't think make up is a good thing to wear because your face becomes to use to it and then when you don't wear it you feel really odd.But if she is going to wear make up don't over do it and don't wear so much foundation that it looks like you can touch her face and your whole hand will change colour.  

  4. Mascara, lip gloss, maybe alil blush or something  

  5. dont put loads on. if you can tell you have make up on its to much.

    like eye liner , dat stuff you put on ur eye lashes and bit of blusher maybe. llol . i duno if she has a face like a pig aint no amount of make up gona help but if she has a normal girly face dont need to  much  

  6. If parents allow it, I would suggest lip gloss and mascara.  Eyeliner and eye shadow can get to be out of hand. When I was 13 I wore lip gloss and mascara.

  7. i think none because once you start wearing make up she might start feeling like she needs to wear it all the time .. so i would keep the face clean and just wait till highschool .... but if she really wants to just lip gloss.........cause its cool like that  

  8. None. But if that isn't the answer you want, just enough to add color, to enhance her eyes maybe,  you don't want to look trashy.


  9. When I was thirteen I wore more than most adults do

    I was into the gothic/punk, that's why.

    But i think it depends on her style or how comfortable she feels wearing makeup, and how it looks on her.

  10. I would say Mascara and lip gloss. That sounds good for me.

  11. well at 13 i was wearing eyeliner on my lower lids, lipgloss & mascara. but it just depends on how much she wants to wear. but when i got to highschool i was wearing foundation, eyemakeup on top and bottom, mascara.. exc. i just suggest a little lipgloss & mascara and if she's ready to handle eyeliner, that too on the lower lids.

  12. not too much

    natural colors

    maybe nuetrak eye shadow

    and mascara will do the trick!

  13. Only eye makeup.

    And lipgloss, but I don't count that (I've been wearing it since I was two....)

    I hope this helps!

  14. Lipgloss, u shouldnt need face powder and mascara just yet.  And maybe a nice lip liner should do it.

  15. My daughters were home schooled at this age so as long as they were at home, they could experiment with whatever colors they wanted.  I have some funny pictures of them in make up they thought looked grown up. When going out, I allowed some lip gloss.

    For school, teach her how to apply her make up so she looks as natural as possible.

  16. I think this should work for her(;


    Use Mascara.

    With the brush..twirl it around inside the container.Take it out and gently with toilet paper, clean it.Allowing big chunks to grab onto the paper.It's as if you're cleaning the brush.Just don't do it too hard or there won't be any mascara to put on.When you're done 'cleaning' it, brush it onto your eyelashes.Cleaning the brush allowed the eyelashes to look more natural and makes them stand out very pretty.

    Lipgloss and Lipstick.


    Very lightly, put on some pink or red lipstick.(If you use pink, you will have to use a shade of pink lipgloss.Or if you use red, you will have to wear a shade of red lipgloss..and so on)Don't put it on so much that it's really dark...very gently..not so much.After putting on the lipstick, put on some lipgloss over the layer of lipstick.Done:D

    There you go!

  17. I am also 13 but i don't wear makeup. But all of my friends wear a TON of makeup. I think that a little mascara and a little blush is very appropriate for our age.  No eye liner and don't "cake" it on.  

  18. Tell her not to go overboard, she's only thirteen and she shouldn't need all that much makeup at her age. If she has acne and is self conscious about that, I'd suggest a bit of concealer to conceal the acne. Makeup should be used to enhance your features, not cover up your features- she could use a chocolate brown eyeliner to line her waterline (she shouldn't wear black, it will be to dramatic and harsh) and as for eyeshadow, I'd say she should stick to natural brown shades. A bit of mascara, curled lashes and a neutral peach lip gloss =] I hope I've helped, natural is KEY!

  19. none

    make up at a young age is not good for complexion

    and by the time you get older

    do you want your make up face totally different from your normal?

    if you really want to

    a little bit of mascara and eyeshadow maybe eyeliner would be okay

  20. Id say a little eyeshadow,eyeliner maybe some foundaation and lipgloss =D Dont let her be caked in it

  21. if you want to wear foundation try tinted mousturizer and mayb mascara and lip gloss or eyeshadow, and if you want to wear eyeliner try brown instead of black

  22. Hey,

    Well, I'm 13 in September and this is what i wear and why i wear it.

    - I wear foundation in small amounts to cover up and I do wear it just as makeup on special occasions. Not an every day thing at all. My Parents won't allow it. Like Weddings and and Christenings.

    - I wear eyeliner

    - I wear mascara (both clear and regular)

    - I wear eyeshadow (also only for special occasions and not every day)

    So pretty much, the only things I wear regularly are mascara and eyeliner. I hope this helps out!!!!!

    Good Luck!!!!! :-)

    P.S. In my oppinion, too much mascara, eyeliner and foundation Looks quite tacky so I stick to earthy natural colors in very little quantities. Like for school I wear mascara eyeliner and like a skin tone eyeshadow sometimes.

    Good Luck!!!!! :-)

  23. lip gloss. thats it.

  24. well when i was 13 and my mom wouldnt let me wear makeup :/

    but now im 15 and im allowed now.

  25. Lip Gloss and that's it !! She is too young to be wearing makeup this will attract the wrong attention and also she may have allergic reactions to the the make which may break her face out.

  26. none.  At 13 you really don't need makeup.  If she is going to insist on it I would say a little blush and maybe, a tinted lip gloss.

  27. well im 12 and i only wear silver eyeliner and sometimes lipgloss..

    so i think she should be able to do that too

  28. not too much!

    if you have acne, you should use concealer

    and maybe a little mascara

    but at 13 you don't want to use too much :]

  29. None. She's 13.

  30. I think she should wear very light make up..basically consisting of mascera and chapstick. That's all a young girl at her age really needs. Adding eyeliner can be really harsh for her age, too.  

  31. At 13, you shouldn't need makeup. But I know I started wearing makeup around then, maybe even before. So maybe some mascara, and lipgloss. Which is all I even wear now. It looks natural too. (:

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