
How much make up should an 8th grader wear?

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I'm so excited to go into 8th grade, and I wanna look just right!! In 7th grade I think I might have worn little too much make up!! I don't wanna look all made up this year, but I want people to notice that I wear make up!! you know??




  1. Usually eight grade girls just wear eyeliner, mascara,and lip gloss. When you wear too much you might look fake.

  2. a little eyeliner and lip gloss.

  3. im going into 8th also and i wear natural stuffs!

  4. Just a little foundation and a teensy bit of eye shadow- just so they notice it but not so it is 'caked' on

  5. I'm going to go into 8th grade. And the key to looking good, its going for the natural look to enhance your natural beauty.

    Just wear some eyeliner on the bottom, and mayve a thin coat on the top

    Also wear some mascara

    Also wear some eye shadow-- something that is natural. I suggest one that is close to your skin tone. For me, it is brown and i just apply a thin layer of it to my eye lids, and i sometimes add a sparkle or 2.

    Then, just finish it off with some lip gloss, lip balm, or chap stick.

    For lip gloss, get clear or a pink...

    or get a pink lip balm.

    Cuz sometimes when you use gloss it looks gross if you put too much on.

    Also, for your face-- dont put anything on it!! Because if you put something on it like bronzer, foundtion, or blush it might cause your skin to break out! I know this cuz i have some pimples, and it isnt good for your skin.

    However, if you ever wake-up and find a pimple or 2, you can cover it up but then make sure at home you wash it off and use a cleanser, or pop them using q-tips, followed by cleansing.

    Also, i suggest you use pro active concealor or cover up. Its actually good for your skin and has sulfur in it, so its basically like covering the pimple up, and fading it away!!

    Hope this helps!<33

    PS: For special occasions you can add some bronzer, and blush. (that too only alittle)

  6. Go easy on foundation you want to look fresh.

    Play with your easy with eye shadow.

    Less is more.

    Trust me.

  7. well wear a light brown eyeshadow on your eyelids, wear a bronzer or brown blush on cheeks, wear a brown mascara and brown eyeliner, to finish it off wear a very glossy pink lip gloss. It will give you a natural look yet noticeable and it is just the right amount not to much not to little. I hope i helped. email me if you need help with hair clothes or applying of make up. You will look really good

  8. Use foundation/face powder. Its face powder but also foundation. Its light and very easy to apply. Use a light eyeshadow that sort of blends in with your skin but is still noticable. Use liquid eyeliner and make a small cat eye effect. Use a little bit of mascara and some gloss:)

    Good luck in 8th grade:)

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