
How much milk do you drink a week?

by Guest63130  |  earlier

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The USDA calculated the average American Adult drinks 12 pounds of milk a week, thats about 6 liters. Considering the big increase in milk $$ I think this skews the governments calculations for average food cost per family. I only use milk in my coffee, and occasional cooking, or white russian, so I dont even get close.




  1. i dont drink milk often. if the date is good a half gallon will last about 3wks

  2. I just don't drink milk.  But I know that 2 cups of water weighs one pound.  Since milk is denser, I would think that it weighs more, but for argument sake lets say milk weighed the same as water.  Then 12 pounds is only 24 cups, there are 16 cups in a gallon.

    So 12 pounds is only about 1 and 2/3 gallons, IF milk weighed the same as water.

  3. I drink about 1 cup a day, that's it.

  4. I used to drink alot of milk, about 1.5 litres a day. Now, I only have about 100-200 ML in my cereal (one tenth to 1 fifth of a litre). That's it.

  5. i drink about a gallon, thats taking into consideration using it for cooking and for cereal.

  6. i drink little to no milk. i hate the taste.

  7. A gallon usually lasts about a week. I normally have two glasses a day and a little in some of the foods I eat. If I have foods that have a bunch of milk I might only have 1 glass.

  8. i drink as less milk as possible as milk makes me sick

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