
How much milk do you give a baby orphen calf?

by Guest66855  |  earlier

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im getting some orphen calfs sometime this week and i was wondering how much ardifitial milk do you give them....and if there coming from a auction barn i was wondering if they need to be vacinated or if there to young to get vacinated and if they do need to be vacinated what kind of vacination?!!! and last but not least what do i do if one of my calfs get scours?!!!

i need some serious answers because i dont want to kill them i want to save there lives!!!!!!





  1. Have a calf thermometer.

    BUY calf electrolyte pre-mixed packets.

    have a nursing bottle and 2 nipples.

    (you will probably s***w up the first nipple trying to make the hole bigger forgetting to "adjust" the vent hole instead.)

    Have a calf jacket ready. After all these years I have decided that drop calves (auction calves) NEED a calf jacket for 2-3 weeks.

    DO NOT let your calf run and play for 2 weeks especially not with your kids. They can bounce around a little but try to keep them quiet. Calves can seem healthy one min and over-do and get deathly ill the next.

    Have (raw) whole milk yogurt available to feed the calf.

    How much to feed depends on the condition and health of the drop calves and coming from the auction, they are usually stressed, dehydrated and sick.  Get your setup and milk and read the recommendations on the milk replacer.  You will probably want to learn what a normal calfs temperature should be and much more.  It is quite a daunting task but a kind and generous action.

    good site for information

  2. try to find out if it had vaccinations BEFORE you get it..

    try to find out how much milk it is getting

    different breeds drink at different rates.. mini cow, or regular?

    you will get to know how much it drinks at each feeding, and how often to feed.. talk to people there, and they will tell you

    we bought an orphaned lamb and the owner told us all this info at the time...

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