
How much misinformation have you seen on here?

by Guest34180  |  earlier

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I have sometimes seen real misinformation on here, often with plentiful thumbs up. And then when someone gives correct information they are apt to get thumbs down. It's all well and good for hypothetical stuff or things that are a matter of opinion, but not so good when something absolutely incorrect is posted.




  1. I try to read as much misinformation as I can find. It's the only way to find truth unbiased by the Hive. Our Hive (society) has specific opinions on what IS, while what actually IS is often not understandable by the same Hive. This is why so many great artists throughout history have sought out strange religions, strange philosophies, and meta-science. (Nicolai Tesla was a major proponent of Meta-Science, and Buckminster Fuller was a genious who always saw things outside the Hive through interesting philisophical choices)

    The fact is, everything we consider fact is maybe 99% truth. It's the 1% that might be our demise though if we don't find a way to look outside of Hive every now and again.

  2. Too much to possibly count.

    Just tonight I saw someone say that it's dangerous to use birth control pills to stop your period. It's not.

    I don't know where people get such information, but I dare say that 13 and 14 year olds spouting advice like it's gospel can be dangerous to people who don't take the time to find things out for themselves.

  3. The most frightening area for misinformation is the health section, closely followed by the newborn and parenting. All you can do is present correct information as clearly as possible and refute the erroneous stuff. I think it's high time Yahoo allowed trusted posters to delete the erroneous info instantly.

  4. Piles.  The best I can do is give the information I have plus, when possible, sources to back me up, and I ask others to question answers that do not offer sources themselves.

    My current misinformation peeve is how Easter was stolen from the Celtic holiday of Oestre (Not Celtic, we're not sure it was even an holiday, Easter was celebrated before the Christians met the people who supposedly celebrated Oestre, and most words for Easter are rooted in the word for Passover, not sounding anything like Oestre.)  Second biggest peeve is the insistance that Catholics worship Mary, saints, statues, etc.  Third is all of this crazy "Obama is a Muslim" thing.

  5. Oh geez, I'd be here all day if I started that list for you.

  6. Hello,

    That situation seems par for the course; many are settled in their ways. Like the old saying goes you can lead a horse to water but cannot make him drink.


    Michael Kelly

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