
How much money , generally would home insurance go up for owning a trampoline?

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  1. I didn't tell my insurance know so it's free for me. And I don't think they care so you don't NEED to tell them

  2. Probably not as much as you medical ins. will for a spinal cord injury.

  3. I honestly don't know, not at all until they find out but, then if someone gets hurt on it your kinda screwed.

  4. Is matter if you wann alet insurance know abou it, but it shoun't matter cause trampoline is safe depend when you put it; and is easily removable.

  5. 0$'s

    trampolines dont cost any additional money, unless it is build inside the house or came with the house already monted in the bayckyard. but you would wanna get umberlla insurance as well because if you have a trampoline in the house and one of your kids friends gets on that and falls! they will probably sue you so you need umberlla insurance to cover all your assets like our house, cars and other valubale in case of a lawsuit!

  6. If you don't tell them about it it won't go up. I don't know if it will if you tell the insurance company. We have one and it did not go up but really it is nothing to them. You have just as much chance getting hurt doing something else. Try to get a trampoline that has the top. Some at walmart come with it.

    Just make sure you read the directions

  7. Most insurers will not even insure you with a trampoline.  If you purchase the insurance before you purchase the trampoline, then your insurance will not go up, but be prepared if they come out for inspection or you have a claim early in the policy to prove to them when you purchased it, because if they think you had it at the time you applied for the insurance & they would not have insured you if you had one, then they will void the policy for material misrepresentation.

    Trampolines are dangerous.  I know of some very serious injuired including a toddler getting killed for crawling under & getting jumped on.  Other injuries were a broken spine, broken ankle & borken cuccyx, I could go on & on & this is in a very rural area.  

    Also, it is an attractive nuisance, meaning, even if someone is traspassing on your property (even if your land is posted) and they jump & get hurt, you are liable.

    You will have to do a lot of shopping to find an insurer that will insure you with a trampoline.  There is a reason the insurers won't insure people with them - HUGE liability payouts.

    Oh, if State Farm will insure them, go for it, they eventually won't anymore because they will be getting all of them & this is known as "adverse selection" , they will start paying out big claims & then will no longer insure them before long.

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