
How much money can I expect to make from affiliate marketing?

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I have been researching affiliate marketing as an option to add some extra revenue streams to my business. I run a website with relatively high traffic volumes.

I have read up a lot about the ways in which you are rewarded for using affiliate marketing whether it be CPC, CPL or CPS.

What I want to know is realistically how much I could expect to earn per click or action.

Say it was based on CPC, how much could I expect to earn for one click?

Say it was based on CPL how much could I expect to earn for each action?

Say it was based on CPS how much could I expect to earn for each sale generated?

Now I understand this varies greatly but could someone give me ballpark figures or two extremes like between £0.20 - £50.00 per sale for instance. I would really like to know the revenue per click, action or sale as oppossed to 'you could make '£4million in a week' because this will allow me to gauge potential earnings better.





  1. You can make some good money from affiliate marketing.  I don't know if you have heard of Friend Blaster Pro, but if you have, you can use that free software to help you make money on myspace.  Check out my free tutorial and be sure to download my free ebook.

  2. depends on how experienced you are and what degree you got in college.

  3. Typically, a cost per click program (like google adsense) will pay between $0.10 and $1.00 per click. There are higher paying clicks, but those are really competitive and take a long time to get a page ranked to even get traffic. Cost per lead programs are my personal favorite, because you get paid when someone just signs up as a lead. The end customer does not spend anything, but you get money. Typically, these will pay between $0.10 and $20 per lead (again, it varies greatly). As for cost per sale, that is a while guess as well.

    Best place to start is to look at places like clickbank, and commission junction to look at what each affiliate program pays.

    I have found success in everything except cost per click, and there is more information on how to get started in affiliate marketing at

  4. Affiliate marketing can be very lucrative, if you have the right tools.  I am going to give you 3 links to free videos that are very informative and can teach you about becoming a network marketer.

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