I have been researching affiliate marketing as an option to add some extra revenue streams to my business. I run a website with relatively high traffic volumes.
I have read up a lot about the ways in which you are rewarded for using affiliate marketing whether it be CPC, CPL or CPS.
What I want to know is realistically how much I could expect to earn per click or action.
Say it was based on CPC, how much could I expect to earn for one click?
Say it was based on CPL how much could I expect to earn for each action?
Say it was based on CPS how much could I expect to earn for each sale generated?
Now I understand this varies greatly but could someone give me ballpark figures or two extremes like between £0.20 - £50.00 per sale for instance. I would really like to know the revenue per click, action or sale as oppossed to 'you could make '£4million in a week' because this will allow me to gauge potential earnings better.