
How much money can you save by using biodiesel?

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How much money can you save by using biodiesel?




  1. Buying biodiesel will save you no money whatsoever. the demand for corn is skyrocketing do to this technology which is making everything (feed for livestock thus meat, etc etc, when food costs rise so do everything else) more expensive. And biodiesel is usually a good $.20 + more than diesel. However if you make it yourself you could save some cash.

  2. Check this article about biodiesel and costs

  3. That depends on whether you buy it or make your own, if you are not afraid to ask for it, many fast food places  will give you their used cooking oil, you can strain it, filter it and make your own.

  4. Depends on whether you do it legally.

    If you make biodiesel at home from cooking oil then it will be cheaper than what comes out the pump at the service station but it will also be illegal because you haven't paid fuel tax on it.

    Once you go through the hassle of paying the tax (which involves a bit of paperwork) you'll probably find that home-made biodiesel is actually more expensive than diesel from the pump.  Usually enforcement only happens when a lot of people start using biodiesel but that also tends to be when there is the most interest in alternative fuels.

  5. none, the cost to make biodiesel is higher that the market will bare.

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